Bulgarian politicians prefer to spend their time milking virtual cows. (Huffington Post) Hawkers will sell you anything these days, including dental appointments. (Gothamist) Careful with that joint. It could get you deported. (NYT) Volunteers go above and beyond for the Great American Census – not surprising as it may one day be worth a fortune. […]
Super hero/History prof/Provost Alan Brinkley was walking to work one chilly day, and noticed someone following him. Because he didn’t think to look for one of those little red “Lion’s Watching” Lions to protect him against evil spirits, the stalker eventually caught up to him and introduced himself – Griff Jenkins of Fox News. Jenkins […]
Bwogger Armin Rosen admits that this brief survey of people with the same name as other people who happen to be Columbia professors is random as hell, but bear with him. I’ve never read Dostoevsky’s The Double, but I assume the story goes a little something like this: a successful English professor is wrongfully accused […]
Monday editor Armin Rosen has election news for those of you who haven’t spent the past four days sleeping next to a Kentucky offramp. I believe it was Winston Churchill who called democracy the “worst form of government on earth, except for all those others that have been tried.” Well bollocks to you, Winnie. An election-eve barnstorm […]
Students who log on to the Dining Services website to complete a quality-assurance survey are in for a special treat. Columbia is going to donate ten cents to the charity of your choice! Ten cents?! You might think. That’s vaguely offensive and pathetic! But wait! You can take the survey as many times as you […]
Not content with battling it out in the U.S. News and World Report rankings, the Ivies are throwing it down by way of that most gentlemanly of pastimes: war! Or rather, inter-campus computerized simulations of games that simulate war! Kind of! Our buddies at GoCrossCampus have organized an Ivy League championship. While Columbia hasn’t won a […]
Geraldo Rivera was in front of the Broadway Gates tonight. So was Armin Rosen. When I saw a Fox News producer scouring College Walk for students willing to stand behind Geraldo Rivera during a live episode of Geraldo at Large, my thoughts instantly turned to the mustache. Specifically, I wondered whether and how such […]
Minutemen, minutemen. What heady times those were. Stages were rushed, lives changed, definitions for “Kulawiking” determined. Indeed, it was only after many long and trying months of op-eds, town hall meetings and general soul-searching that we were finally able to go about the difficult business of trying to move on with our lives. Or did we? Via […]
Cafe 212 is now selling massive 8 oz. tubs of candy corn for $4.29… and people are buying them.
One of our more distinguished alumni (excerpted): “I’m a liar and a cheat and a thief and the ultimate manipulator. … I tell lies every day, man,” the 40-year-old actor says in the February issue of Men’s Journal magazine. “And when I say I’m phenomenally manipulative, I am.” Fox, who is now starring opposite […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025