All of those hours you slaved and slaved away in the dim glow of your computer screen writing pages and pages of literary analysis have finally paid off! Well, if you got an A, at least. But we know you’re all super smart. From now until close, the Village Pourhouse is offering a free “Scholar’s […]
Sometimes, fresh-people, in a seminar, or at a party, someone will reference something that used to exist and doesn’t anymore, and you will have to nod your head or laugh knowingly. Ah yes, Morningside is like, so gentrified, you will say. We asked alumni of The Blue and White and Bwog for places, events, and […]
Free food is nice. But during the last week of classes, free alcohol can seem more appropriate. Village Pourhouse to the rescue! This week the Amsterdam eatery will be sending out coupons for one free Bud Light. Here’s the twist – it’s via text message. An electronic coupon! How did we ever get trashed without […]
Mayyyyybe Bloomberg will run for reelection Gamers: beware of exceeding University bandwidth caps, but only sometimes. In fact, for most of the things you’ll be doing online, you will be fine. Perhaps the University Senate is a place where debate within the University should take place. As opposed to debating with kitchen knives. Wait a […]
This past weekend, Inside New York threw a party to celebrate the release of its 2008-2009 edition. The party took place inside the new Village Pourhouse, the uptown counterpart to the popular original location, which caters to the villianous downtown adversaries of New York University. Bwog took along our camera and a notepad. What we’re […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025