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Posts Tagged with "nobel"

Columbia alumnus Alvin Roth (SEAS ’71) is one of the two winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics along with Lloyd S. Shapley. They won the award for their work in matching theory, which supposedly enables better college admissions and better organ donation systems. Congratulations! (Washington Post) A new study says that pot is […]

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The health industry is corrupt!  Columbia-affiliated Dr. Martin Leon may have hidden millions of dollars from the university (NYT). Northern countries are progressive!  The President of Finland advises all leaders to meditate (Spec). Terrorism is still a threat!  Police retain Queens terror suspect (NY1). In web journalism, stuff changes!  Spec weighs in on Bwog (Spec). […]

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The thirteens are coming (really, they are), and everyone is taking notice. Thirteens cometh, thirteens goeth: Because without a scholarship, we’re far too expensive. And there’s always those pesky test scores to stop people. And the oh so quotable: Chalfie: “I basically tickle worms.” CU Neurosurgeon Richard Anderson: “Since there are a million different types […]

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Spec is still hibernating, so today we’re giving you the best of the rest of the New York print media. The Booker Prize goes to a student with a Columbia connection!  Move over Orhan, we’ve got a new novelist in town. The WSJ opines that the nationalization of the banks might actually work, at the […]

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In which Bwog tides you over until Monday’s QuickSpec by bringing you Columbia-related happenings from the real world.  Some connections to our lady Alma Mater are dubious and/or doubtful. Nudist/Columbia Grad Donates Playing Card Collection Dali expert and nude hiker Albert Field‘s collection of 6,536 decks of cards have been archived and restored in Columbia’s […]

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As you well know, Columbia has a long history of Nobel Laureates, and now the presitgious group can also claim Martin Chalfie, Chair of the Biological Sciences Department, who, along with a professor from UC San Diego and a professor emeritus from BU Medical School, won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry today.  Their Nobel nod […]

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Mayyyyybe Bloomberg will run for reelection Gamers: beware of exceeding University bandwidth caps, but only sometimes.  In fact, for most of the things you’ll be doing online, you will be fine. Perhaps the University Senate is a place where debate within the University should take place.  As opposed to debating with kitchen knives. Wait a […]

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Turkish Delight

As you may or may not be aware, Orhan Pamuk, a visiting prof at our fair institution, just netted ol’ Alma another Nobel, this time for literature. Though there is some speculation as to what exactly Pamuk does around here, (this says he will have a MEALAC position, which is news to those who spend […]

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Edmund Phelps is having a good week.  He won the Nobel Prize in Economics, he has a classy/awesome sounding job title (McVickar Professor of Political Science), and his choice of the Full Windsor proves that his neckwear shall always be as dignified as his demeanor.  But can he teach? Well…four out of six CULPA reviewers […]

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Just Another Nobel Prize—but What Do You Figure Fox Will Comment on Tomorrow? Remember that Increase in Financial Aid?  SAC Commands CUC to Stand Firm in Its Commitment Marvin Stewart Packs Pepper, Unidentified Minuteman Kicks Protester on National Television; You Heard It Here First  Spectator Photo Coverage Foreshadows Varsity Show Publicity, Other People Get Nastier […]

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Overheard! in Café 212: Girl 1: It really sucks that Anna Nicole Smith’s kid died. Girl 2: How’d he die? Girl 1: He overdosed on drugs. Passing Boy: If Anna Nicole Smith was my mom, I’d probably do drugs too. [Girls 1, 2 stare as passing boy passes by.] Overheard! outside of Carman: [Mobile phone.] […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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