True crime, Twitter, and therapy dogs are all featured in today’s news. What a weird world we live in. Editor’s warning: mention of hate speech.
An LA resident is leading a lawsuit against Chipotle for feeling “excessively full” and realizing “that the burrito couldn’t have been just 300 calories”, the new chorizo one that is. Who would have guessed that packing chicken, pork, sausage rice, beans, and cheese into a tortilla would be so filling? (USA Today) Anna Farris may […]
A tipster spotted this petite pup outside of Butler loyally awaiting his master’s return. The picture fills us with warm and fuzzies and has us dreaming of puppies part two. Enjoy!
Update, 9:30 pm: That’s not actually the theme, Dan was joking after all… According to Bacchanal president Dan Weinstein‘s Twitter, this year’s theme will be Barkanal. When asked if he was kidding, he returned, “Not at all.” Let’s not let our hopes get too high…
The dog days are over, but here’s photographic proof of yesterday’s merriment. We’ve never seen so many smiley (sober) Columbians—community has been unleashed! “It sounds like you guys really needed this,” one puppy owner told us. Furrealz. You can send in your own pics of puppy lovin’ and pooch smoochin’ to Photos by Yanyi […]
The ultimate study break with crafts, yoga, bluegrass, cider, Stressbusters, and PUPPIES galore is happening tomorrow! According to the Facebook event, a whopping 1200 people plan to attend. This is the stuff of community, folks! Bwog received official word on the crafts selection: expect glitter glue, princess stickers and “80s glam” sharpies, among other festive […]
SUNDAY 1-4 pm FURNALD AND JOHN JAY LOUNGES Featuring Delta Society therapy dogs, Stressbusters back rubs, Columbia Art of Living Yoga, crafts, hot chocolate with marshmallows, and smiling people Presented by The Puppy Coalition and the Student Wellness Project Sponsored by Community Development and Res Programs Pups courtesy of Static416’s flickr (it was a toss-up […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025