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Lost my white scarf printed with lots of bears sometime on Thursday 2/16, possibly in Hamilton 6th floor, Schermerhorn 6th floor, or John Jay dining hall. Important for sentimental reasons. If found, please contact, it’s very special to me.
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“What’s there to do in this one horse town on a mid-February Sunday’s evening?” If someone asks you this question today, you already know the answer: attend the Bwog meeting in Lerner SGO at 7 pm and eat Bwog’s free food! Come to make or take pitches, discuss new ideas, or just loiter. We’re happy […]
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Focus on summoning your absolute best memory. Relive your happiest moment. Do you have it in mind? Good. Now, what if it never actually took place?! Bwog gray matter enthusiast Bijan Samareh joined Dr. S. Matthew Liao for a lecture in the rafters of Schermerhorn to engage in just such speculation.  Is the lingering memory […]
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Are you reading this on your iPhone? Well, maybe you shouldn’t be! Bwog is back to defend the seemingly indefensible, and today, resident Luddite Raphaelle Debenedetti makes the case for the dumbphone. Since it’s not New Jersey, it won’t be our most hopeless battle yet. “Are you two texting each other?” asked the curiously blunt waiter at […]
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Rome: Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York was appointed a Catholic Cardinal this weekend. Red hats abound. (NYT) Montauk: Gawker profiles one of the most creative and implausible con artists in recent memory, the so-called “Montauk Grifter.” Users of OkCupid: you’ve been warned. (Gawker) China: The people who make your iPad can’t afford your iPad. […]
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We’re on your side, Columbians. We give you the news, engage in relevant and intellectual debates, and we always answer your questions, even when they’re kinda awkward. And we know that aside from PrezBo’s hair, not much is more mystifying to the student body than the housing lottery. We have always strived to give you […]
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Bwog recently received this email from someone who may or may not have been sober, and our interest (and appetite) was piqued. Dear Bwog, I feel like doing something crazy this weekend. Are there any places where, if I manage to eat a crazy amount of food, I get my picture on a wall or […]
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Each week Zach Kagan, Bwog’s resident Lab Rat Wrangler researches Columbia’s hottest advances in science and breaks them down for the rest of us. Even to seasoned physics majors the phrase “quantum memory” sounds like something coined by Deepak Chopra. It is, however, a real thing related to quantum computation.  The Air Force has awarded a […]
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A passerby gazes at the south lawn tarp and imagines a brighter reality: “Wait, so is this an iceskating rink?” Keep dreaming, friend, keep dreaming.   Dreams Coming True via Wikimedia Commons
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In: Smelling like a Yankee (Gothamist) Out: Gay marriage. (Reuters) In?: Gay marriage (NYT) Out: Mormons looking cute for class (HuffPo) In: Exercise (Gawker) Style Advice via Wikimedia Commons
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Now that they’ve won the right to use lion likenesses on their class t-shirts, the 2014 Class Councils have gone cat-crazy! Tonight, starting at 11 pm in the Lerner Party Space, they’re hosting a COSMIC CAT SPACE JAM RAVE // MARDI GRAS DISCO. They’ve hired Spicy Special—not the drunk-food sandwiches, but the DJs who usually […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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