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ECONOMIEZ! Blissfully ignorant of what real economists do, a student is deeply concerned with the state of economic awareness: “It’s just like, lame people everywhere are gonna be having conversations about the ECONOMY without ever taking an Econ class! I mean, I only took principles, but…” Fancy lines via Wikimedia Commons
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In the latest installment of unexpected email announcements, PrezBo has just sent word that Interim Provost John Coatsworth will assume the permanent Provost position. Coatsworth, former SIPA dean, took over for Claude Steele on July 1, 2011, when Steele made the move out West to Stanford. Writes ‘Bo: “Provost is responsible for ensuring that the University’s […]
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Join Matt Powell in this week’s Cooking with Bwog to learn the not-so-secret recipe for that scrumptious soup you always get at Le Monde. With its rich broth, soft white bread, and gooey strands of Gruyere, French Onion Soup is a dish that is always sure to please. Presenting the finished soup to your guests, […]
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New York Times foreign correspondent and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Anthony Shadid passed away in Syria due to a severe asthma attack. (Columbia Journalism Review) Jon Stewart has temporarily cornered the market on late night satire. (New York Times) Corruption is everywhere. (The Guardian) Never take candy from strangers undercover cops. (AlterNet) Bunnies via Wikimedia […]
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Gosh, doesn’t Drinking with Bwog always look like so much fun? Pretty complicated, though.  So today, you can try something different, in case you, ahem, have trouble getting those ingredients. Today, we’ll pick the game, you pick the liquid. Looking for that pre-Dodge buzz? Try Gatorade! Hitting Butler hard tonight? Try coffee! Gearing up for John Jay […]
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Yes indeed, the great ravager of friend groups commonly referred to as the Housing Lottery is slowly approaching. It’s time for that awkward portion of the spring semester where everyone you know (or don’t know) starts asking you what your plans are for housing, and you never know whether they’re just making small talk or […]
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For the past week, a sign at the entrance of Knox Hall read: But, obviously that didn’t work. So they decided to change their tactics:
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In case you missed out on Bwog’s small blooper from last week, the CVC is having their pizza social at 6 pm tonight in the Barnard Student Dining Room. If you’re tired of pizza and interested in more exotic eats, that is, gruel, ‘umble pie, weal cutlets and more, head over to 310 Philosophy Hall […]
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This past Tuesday afternoon at 12:30 pm, our resident North Korea Korrespondant Clava Brodsky hopped over to William and June Warren Hall to listen to the Weatherhead Institute’s Panel, “Leadership Succession in North Korea: Regional and Global Implications.”  “I know nothing.” So assert Socrates and Sue Mi Terry, a senior research scholar at the Weatherhead […]
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She’s Here!

Update, 6:10 pm: A tipster passed on some photographic proof of Oprah’s visit. Update, 1:36 pm: According to a tipster, Oprah is officially off campus. She was last seen driving away in a black Suburban in front of Barnard Hall. The day we’ve all been waiting for has come. Oprah Winfrey is currently speaking on […]
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Jeremy Lin continues to be a boss. While you’re admiring his skills, don’t forget about the other Ivy League players who’ve changed sports history. But you can cut it out with all the bad puns. (Daily News, PolicyMic, #linify it, USA Today) Much to everyone’s surprise, Columbia is not New York’s hottest college. Smart guys finish […]
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Update, 12:45 pm: Starbucks on 115th is back in business! About to head out the door for your morning Starbucks? Hold up! Due to the water issues that have been plaguing the neighborhood as of late, the 115th location is closed indefinitely. O, the misfortune! The perils of a caffeine-less 10 am class! What is […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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