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Posts Tagged with "nsop 2012"

Earlier today, Spec reported that police had arrested a young woman who’s been posing as a Columbia freshman for the past few weeks, despite having no official Columbia enrollment (or enrollment at any Columbia-affiliated school. The woman told freshmen and OLs that her name was “Rhea Sen” and Spec reported she was about 20 years old, […]

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On Thursday night, the freshpeople had an NSOP event at the Bronx Zoo. There was a DJ! Bwog’s Sweet ’16er source Artur Upton Renault sent the following report from within.  In Brazil, where I come from, incoming college freshmen are known as bichos, which literally means “animals.” This term accurately describes Columbia’s new freshmen: loud, messy, […]

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Consent 101

Yesterday, the Sweet ’16ers learned how to keep sex sexy with Consent 101. Below, NSOP 2012 attendee Alexander Pines takes a look at what that program consisted of, how it was received, and whether Health Services might take things a little more seriously. For the last major mandatory event of NSOP, “Mapping Your First Year […]

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NSOP, Interrupted

We’ve spent the past few days observing the freshfolk and questioning their NSOP theme—now we get a chance to hear from them. Sweet ’16er S.T. shares the following firsthand account of what it’s really like out there.  We clutch our CUIDs and giggle as we walk past the security guard at East Campus. We garner a […]

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It’s the first day of registration for freshmen, which means panic, confusion, and a lot fiddling around with color-coded iCal prototypes. If this describes you, take a deep breath. Log on to SSOL, and check your appointment time. It’s going to be okay(ish). The following are resources that’ll help you out as you plan your […]

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Dear Class of 2016: We hear you’re going to the zoo tomorrow. And because we know things can get pretty wild at the zoo (especially when they have a DJ “mixing tunes”) we want to make sure that you stay safe before, during, and after your encounter with the wild side. Below are all the […]

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Yesterday was CC 2016’s first Lit Hum lecture, delivered by Gareth Williams. Here are the thoughts of Isabel Robinson, CC ’16. Tuesday afternoon, hordes of freshmen could be spotted milling around Lerner, slowly but steadily making their way through a line that stretched three sides of the building. Buzzing through the air was one main […]

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In preparation for Under1Roof, which we are told is an NSOP event, we’ve prepared a list of must-haves, purely based on hearsay. Nobody within three degrees of the Bwog staff has ever actually attended, but some of us are still getting “stern e-mails” about scheduling a make-up session years later, and thought we might as […]

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Dear Sweet ’16ers, We’re glad to see you’re getting settled in, and we hope you don’t mind the 400 fliers we’ve duct-taped to your doors. Now is the part of NSOP where shit starts to get real, which means we’d like some insider intel from your end. We’ll do our part, of course, and continue to post useful […]

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NSOP 2012 is in full swing, and the sweet ’16ers are everywhere—but there’s no need to get out of bed to gawk! We’ve captured all of the excitement of move-in day, so far, below. Send any photos, Overheards, or general information to, and we’ll add it to the post!  

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CU, Abbrevs.

Welcome to campus, sweet ’16ers! Soon you’ll be thrust into a world where it seems like everyone speaks in TLA’s. Have no fear though—Bwog’s always posted this little guide to Columbia acronyms and initialisms, and we’ve updated the list just for you. The shrewd freshperson will write these on flashcards and memorize them all before […]

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If you’re in the Columbia area today, you may hear the distant roar of squeaky blue bins, frantic parents, and strangled cries of freedom from the children they just dropped off. Which means only one thing: it’s move-in day, and NSOP is upon us once more, as all the non-COOP freshmen move in to begin […]

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