Don’t make the mistake of being anywhere at 7 pm except the SGO in Lerner, as the pleasure of your company is requested at Bwog 2012’s first meeting! Bring yourself, your ideas, an appetite for snacks, and/or your (un)productive snark. Estranged veterans, fresh newcomers, and complete strangers are all absolutely welcome and encouraged to come. […]
From 8 till 10 pm tonight, CCSC will be hosting a town hall gripe-fest in Lerner’s Satow Room. The Facebook hype page for What’s Wrong, Columbia? asks you to hold your student government accountable for your happiness as a human (or something like that), and we advise that you take advantage of this opportunity to […]
Discovered in a graduate-level animal physiology physics textbook (Fishbane’s Physics for Scientists and Engineers). For those of you who’ve always had a place in your heart for giraffes, know that they evidently have one for you in theirs as well. Bwog uses our well-rounded liberal arts education to analyze it in this interdisciplinary exercise, while exercising all of […]
South Carolina: In their ongoing quest to find a candidate suitable to challenge Barack Obama (did you know he’s a Columbia alum?!?) for the presidency, Republican primary voters turned yesterday to former house speaker Newt Gingrich, who received 40% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 28%. The race for the White House hasn’t been this […]
A bougie, white, early 30s, peacoat-wearing couple enters Oren’s. Man: We would like to buy coffee beans. Oren’s barista: Okay, let me show your over here. M: Before you start, I just wanted to make sure that it was fair trade. OB: Well no, it’s actually better than fair trade. M: What? OB: It’s actually […]
A black winter jacket with fur trimmed hood last seen at Mel’s at around 2 am on 1/20. It has a debit card and Columbia ID in the pocket. The brand is Laundry and is very similar to this coat. If found please email
If you were at the gym any time in the last hour and a half, you were assaulted by a decadent spread of food on the court at the bottom of the tri-level fitness center. “What smells are these?” you might have wondered, noting that odors of greasy carnival food had usurped those of brotein-enhanced […]
At this year’s Artivist Film Festival, one film rises above the current. Together: Dancing with Spinner Dolphins, a three-minute film documenting Barnard alumna, Chisa Hidaka, BC ’86, and her experience dancing with wild dolphins, awarded for Best Short in the Animal Advocacy category. Hidaka took a moment to talk with Bwog about her film, which is being […]
As Winter Wonderland part deux is in session, Columbia Dining hastily makes preparations for the frigid winter. Amidst transporting hot leftovers to starving brunch-goers, someone couldn’t keep up and spilled the beans. As the powdery chaos continues, Bwog can’t help but feel like this snow day is missing something.
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You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
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February 20, 2025