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Posts Tagged with "jobs for humanities majors"

After graduating from Columbia last year, Adam May, CC ’11, headed to Israel to volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces. On his blog, he chronicled his journey through basic training and assignment into Dover Tzahal, the Army’s media division. Now, he works as a military journalist, writing articles about the IDF for an international audience. Bwog: […]

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The typical nine-to-five for Ramon Diaz, CC ’12, takes “hands on” to a new level. While his numerous photo ops really speak for themselves, Bwog couldn’t help but pose a few follow-up questions. Join us as we get the quick-and-dirty. Bwog: How’d you get the job? We’re guessing not through CCE…? Ramon Diaz, CC ’12: […]

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If you’re still looking for a way to make yourself useful this summer, check out LionShare for hands-on opportunities clearly relating to your academic pursuits that totally won’t require extra explanation in future interviews:

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John “Rick” MacArthur, CC ’78, will return to Morningside May 15 for CC Class Day. A longtime journalist and current president of Harper’s Magazine, MacArthur graduated from Columbia with a B.A. in History and has worked at The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Star, and The Chicago Sun-Times during his illustrious career. He was also described as […]

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On Tuesday night in the Barnard Hall James Room, Barnard Career Development hosted a panel with figures from the entertainment industry hosted by UTA Co-head of the Television Talent Department Nancy Mendelson Gates. Dodge Cafe King and Queen Bijan Samareh and Alexandra Svokos were there. When it comes to centering your career plan around making it […]

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On many Ivy-League campuses where banks recruit heavily, OWS vitriol is being channeled towards the I-banking recruitment process. Those protesting wonder whether the slick recruiting creates a brain-drain away from other industries. (NYTimes) On the other end of the career spectrum: The New York Times Style section profiled The New Inquiry, a blog staffed largely […]

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The Greenmarket is here every Thursday and Sunday. Every Thursday, Bwog brings you the weekly highlights. Meet the newest members of the Greenmarket family, Wood Homestead and Tundra Brewery. They’ll be selling maple syrup, maple cotton candy, and beer from all-local grains and hops this Sunday. Bonus points if you can mix all three together. […]

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Yesterday, while you were skipping class and sleeping in, the MacArthur Foundation announced this year’s 22 Genius Grant recipients, and Columbia graduate Alisa Weilerstein is one of them. A member of the Class of 2004, Weilerstein started playing the cello when she was four years old and debuted with the Cleveland Orchestra at just 13. The Foundation […]

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Esoteric Edibles

Though Mill neither serves exclusively lunch nor combines various schools of thought, a framed article on Mill’s wall boasts this bizarre accolade: Sadly, Mill snatched this prestigious title in ’93. Those looking for the current Best Example of Cultural Syncretism in a Luncheonette are going to have to look elsewhere. Though, word on the street […]

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Bwog’s intrepid lecturehopper Peter Sterne presents to you the second installment from Friday’s event organized by the Committee to Protect Journalists, in which he considers the role of the internet and social media in revolutions around the world… The second panel, moderated by Slate editor-in-chief Jacob Weisberg, considered the nuanced role of the internet, both positive […]

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Yesterday, dozens of journalists gathered in the Kellogg Center for Journalism on the 15th floor of IAB for two panels organized by the Committee to Protect Journalists, an organization that has defended journalists around the world for the last 30 years. Bwog’s intrepid lecturehopper Zach Kagan presents to you the first of a two-panel lecture. It […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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