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Appalling: The NYPD has been infiltrating Muslim student groups on college campuses throughout the city in an attempt to hunt down and infiltrate potential terror cells.  Curiously, Columbia was spared. (ABC) Apprehensive:  Occupy Wall Street may soon square off with an adversary even countless celebrity cameos may not be able to overcome: Rain, and a […]
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Last week Sarah Ngu brought you the details of CCSC’s fall budget, a hefty $472,125. She breaks down two major and distinct issues raised in CCSC this week, course registration and its associated problems, and the fact that Bacchanal is missing a significant part of its budget. A quick note on ESC: this week’s meeting […]
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Columbia will renovate the former St. Hilda’s House convent for undergrad housing, Spec reports.  The convent’s three white brownstones at 113th between Broadway and Riverside won’t be available until Fall 2013, so only underclassmen will get to make Hamlet references. Administrators eagerly anticipate the new digs. “I think it’s going to be prime space,” Dean […]
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Roar-ee (the solid) is ready to tango. He’s lookin’ rather gallant with a pink rose dangling from his menacing mandible. *name that tag quote. And for your procrastinating pleasure, a classic: Some Like It Hot.
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Grey Plastic thermos type container in a black cordura nylon bag. Probably lost in Hamilton on Monday 10 October. Contact:
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Menu du Jour

On the hunt for some free food this lovely October evening? Bwog has a suprise for you: we’ve prepared a three course prix-fixe, and the prix is free. First Course: Pasta Curious about how to navigate your sexual identity within the study abroad experience? Come to Lerner Hall Room 401 from 6:00-7:30 for a discussion featuring […]
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A sparse handful of senators and spectators filled the giant Jerome L. Greene lecture hall to debate the merits of the newly proposed campus-wide smoking ban. A vote on the ban might take place at this Friday’s full Senate meeting. Bwog dutifully sent our Tobacco Bureau Chief to bring you unfiltered coverage. With participants and […]
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Spilling the Ink

Your mom may not approve of your boyfriend’s tattoo, but what to make of emblazoned professors? Bwog, intent on writing a feature on professor body art, was rebuked by all but one decorated pedagogue. Even though they choose to display their tattoos publicly, they don’t want to talk about them. Except for Charlotte Glynn, MFA Candidate […]
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According to Bloomberg News, Judge Michael Sonberg has denied the motion for a “diversion to treatment” for Operation Ivy League defendants Jose Stephan Perez and Michael Wymbs. However, Judge Sonberg ruled that fellow defendant Christopher Coles could be eligible for the program, given his self-reported addiction to marijuana. A fourth defendant, Adam Klein, is still […]
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Think your life is Barnard? Well, there’s no knowing for sure until you cross reference it against the itemized guide below, inspired by the Twitter account and brought to life by Cartoon Architect and Sensational Satirist Julia Stern:
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As reported by DNAinfo, a female Harlem resident was sexually assaulted in Morningside Park during the early evening this past Sunday. The incident happened around 6pm and police are currently interviewing witnesses. As Brad Taylor, a board member for the group Friends of Morningside Park observes, the attack “was alarming because it occurred while it […]
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Wear Blue, Get Food

It’s as easy as that! So easy that we feel you’ll even be able to understand if we give you directions in the form of a poorly written poem. Without further ado: Have midterms got you feeling blue? Then perhaps a small cupped cake will do. It may not help you pass, And might add […]
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What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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