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Remember when you were a senior in high school (just last June for you freshpeople!), and you and your friends panicked over who would ride in your limo/stretch Hummer/party bus to prom? Well, Columbia has a new party bus for ya, and the fine people of Public Safety are offering it FREE OF CHARGE (no […]
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Update, 8:15: Dean James Valentini’s wife is Teodolinda Barolini, chair of the Planning and Policy Committee, the new arm of Arts and Sciences created to help navigate “budgetary challenges.” Remember in Dirks’ December 2010 letter introducing PPC, he blamed burdensome financial aid costs incurred by the College. We supposed that this could be related to […]
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We asked and you answered. Below, read the list, compiled from all of your comments, of classes to take before you graduate. The classes are separated by department, then professor, with a separate section for Global Core. Bolded classes are being offered this semester. Today was the first day of registration for freshmen, but registration […]
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Our Ultimatums correspondent Dylan Lonergan spotted this gem on Hogan Broadway 11. Bwog condemns the thief. Fridge-stealing is really below the belt.
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Consent is still sexy at the NSOP HQ. We’ve heard from freshpersons about the classic Class Act and the first Lit Hum class, and now we’re getting down to the saucy stuff. Bijan Samareh, CC’15 consented to report: Attention all first years! If you missed yesterday’s Consent 101 and Branching Out With Health Services seminars, […]
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Register or Die!

All of a sudden freshpeople everywhere are all in a tizzy, elbowing each other out of the way to get to public computers. It’s the first day they can register for classes. “I started checking half an hour before [my appointment time] and just kept hitting refresh,” said one ’15er. Here are some handy resources […]
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As many tipsters have pointed out, Columbia was on the front page of the New York Times site (in print on A16) this morning. The second Times article about the recent resignations of Dean Moody-Adams and Provost Steele says things you probably already know: that faculty are dissatisfied, and that it had nothing to do […]
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Go Get Green

By the sounding of the Conch, we summon you to the Green Sale in the John Jay lobby. At the annual Give and Go Green event, people donate their lightly used fridges and ethernet cords, and now you can buy them for a fraction of their Target prices. We call dibs on that blue chair. The […]
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Mornin’ freshpeople! We heard you were on an island last night! How the kids branched out before: NSOP renting out iconic New York places has been a tradition. Last year, 2014 was on a boat, 2013 danced in the zoo, and 2012 bonded in Victorian Gardens. But maybe dear ol’ 2011 had it best when […]
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We’ve seen you “going out” at night, freshpeople. Don’t worry, we were all awkward like you at some point: handing a bouncer some poorly-made fake and praying you remembered your zip code. The Bwog staff empathizes with you as we share some stories and nuggets of information about the one thing in your wallet you […]
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In case you forgot already, here is what student government is supposed to do. We asked the newly-elected president of each of the three councils to introduce themselves, and list the five most important things that they actually achieved last year. You too can be Barack Obama! Greetings from Jessica Blank, President of SGA Welcome […]
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Registration is now open for the annual Fun Run/Walk, in which hundreds of ardent admirers trail PrezBo around Riverside Park at a leisurely trot. Bwog will be there, also in shorts.  
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE. Sophie Jones just did gods work!!! It was so funny and presented some very vital information (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
This article is so amazing. Thank you for this incredible investigative work. (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
Super informative! (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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