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Welcome, new friends. Mean Irene has passed, and a beautiful sunny day embraces the youngins. We Bwoggers will be scattered around campus watching your every move— in the least creepy way possible. NSOP makes more glorious people-watching, indeed, so send us your tales of memory foam pillows catching on fire and taxidermy rodents. Also, wear […]
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Dean Moody-Adams’ resignation was surprising and controversial. We’ve done our best to provide context and historical background over the past few days, but all the information can be overwhelming. We’ve pared Moodygate down to the bare essentials, in a neat question and answer format to help you digest it all. But be warned! It doesn’t […]
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The moment of move-in day (supposed to to start today) after your parents leave and before Orientation really begins is pretty terrifying. The Klimt posters securely tacked to your John Jay wall are not substitutes for human-person friends, and you don’t have any of those yet. One Bwogger remembered calling an older friend at this […]
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The Aftermath

Update, 6:11 pm: McShane sent out an email advising students “to continue to use caution and monitor information sources.” And good building-integrity news: “Facilities has checked all buildings on the Morningside campus and has determined that there are no significant problems.” Most importantly, CC and SEAS ’15 move-in is on for tomorrow! Full email after […]
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If you haven’t heard, there’s a hurricane approaching New York, and it has shut down MTA and postponed NSOP and Move-In. Since Bwog never strays from Morningside, we’ll be wandering sadly through the rain, keeping you updated on what the scene is in the neighborhood. If you have any observations, picture, quotes, or musings on […]
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Columbia scientists take no vacations! Defying conventional medical technology, one Columbia engineer has decided to build his way out of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. The mChip, now passing its fourth year of testing, aims to deliver the diagnostic capabilities of a full-fledged lab to patients on a hundred-dollar chip. In case that’s not impressive, […]
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In the beginning there was Tenka, the no-fee app that lets students use social media to redeem first come, first served coupons at local eateries. Oh, and how could we forget the ultra-hip CampusFood? Thanks to the latter, we’ve been holed up in our rooms since last September with a continuous stream of flex-funded Kitchenette […]
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The NSOP 2011 schedule has been released! Lots of the usual suspects here: a zillion John Jay dinners, a tour of Park Slope, etc. Here’s what the handbook has to say about the (now cancelled) Convocation 2011: President Bollinger, Dean Moody-Adams, Dean Peña-Mora, Dean Shollenberger, Columbia College Alumni Association President Kyra Barry, administrators, faculty, and student leaders at […]
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If you planned on getting off campus tomorrow and enjoying the city one last time before Hurricane Irene sweeps through, be sure to make it back before noon! Governor Cuomo has ordered a complete shut down of MTA services starting at noon tomorrow. This means subways, buses, LIRR, and the Metro North will begin their […]
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Though changes in Dining aren’t as drastic as last year’s, some business is going on, and we think there are some bits in here you’ll like. JJ will offer new items such as “sandwiches and sliders at the Pizza Station, and new specialty burger and sandwich options at the grill.” JJ’s Place will have expanded hours […]
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Inclement Weather Update #5 has just been released, and the whole city is abuzz! Here’s what Student Affairs has to say to a presumably rather confused Class of 2015 this morning: don’t bother coming to college until the hurricane ends. The NSOP schedule hasn’t even been released yet (so when are we going to find […]
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Z.Y. Fu Passes Away

Z.Y. Fu, the Chinese businessman and philanthropist who donated generously to Columbia University over the past 20 years, passed away yesterday. In 1990, Mr. Fu began his philanthropy by endowing a chair of applied mathematics at the Engineering school, where his brother-in-law taught as a professor. Three years later, he endowed a scholarship fund for […]
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE. Sophie Jones just did gods work!!! It was so funny and presented some very vital information (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
This article is so amazing. Thank you for this incredible investigative work. (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
Super informative! (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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