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Lost: Wallet

Gold Juicy Couture Wallet with CUID and Mass DL inside. Lost on College Walk. Please contact
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A tipster reports that Public Safety just made an arrest on College Walk. They saw six officers chase down a man on Low Plaza, handcuff him, and escort him into Low. Another bystander said they overheard the officers saying he had stolen a bike. There appeared to be no bike nearby. We’ve contacted Public Safety, […]
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Bwog’s Thesp Crit Joshua Sorenshine caught the last show of the thesis festival last night: This weekend, the Barnard theater department opened its doors for the annual thesis festival, giving audiences a performance that left this reviewer heartily satisfied. Both Alex Brinkman-Young’s, BC ’11 rendition of Tom Stoppard’s Cahoot’s Macbeth and Katie Lupica’s, CC ’11 […]
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CCSC got it on (in a record 29 minutes!). Brian Wagner watched. Apparently, many of the food trucks around campus are here without permits. In order to rob you of drunk munchies options combat this problem, the NY Parks and Recreation Department is creating a committee to review food truck applications and permit only certain trucks […]
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege and luxury we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus that will hopefully make you realize how lucky we are to be here. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full […]
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Murder: A man was shot and killed yesterday morning on Columbus and 109th street in front of NoCo Lounge. (Spectator) Oil: In response to rising oil prices due to recent activity in the Middle East, Obama is considering tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. (NYTimes) Housing: One woman discovered a way to get an apartment on the Upper West Side […]
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  With midterms approaching, seats in Butler come at a premium.  The number of alternative options is growing, but whether it’s the pleasing symmetry, or its world class ranking we can’t help coming back for more. So for dedicated Butler-ites, and also for those who are just trying to cram a half semester’s worth of […]
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So it would seem, judging by some of the kill reports on CU Assassin’s website. While some are as descriptive as last year and others blatantly to the point, one thing remains constant as the obvious thought and dedication that was put into each of these ambushes will show: these assassins take their jobs seriously… […]
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Inching towards break, Almost but not quite there yet, Meet with us till then! SGO in Lerner at 7 pm! (Image via Wikimedia)
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Bwog’s intrepid lecturehopper Peter Sterne presents to you the second installment from Friday’s event organized by the Committee to Protect Journalists, in which he considers the role of the internet and social media in revolutions around the world… The second panel, moderated by Slate editor-in-chief Jacob Weisberg, considered the nuanced role of the internet, both positive […]
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When they’re not rocking out or helping the community, Columbia faculty enjoy getting dirty in the lab. Bwog takes a moment to look back on this week in science. Headlines were compiled by our Northside Correspondent Ricky Raudales. Columbia neuroscientist David Sulzer recently helped get the band back together—the Thai Elephant Orchestra, that is. Just like their […]
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Let’s hope these are freshmen or just visitors. Outside the Law School, two female adolescents: “Wait, where’s NYU?” Overheard on campus, “uptown”: “I’m going downtown today, to 96th Street.” Two CPJ conference attendees standing by the gates spot Alan Brinkley leaving campus: “See that man there? He teaches here. That’s Alan Brinkley, the famous scientist.”
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