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Bear Necessities!

Barnardians! Forget about your worries and your strife! One of Mother Nature’s finer recipes shall soon be available to you: As of Tuesday, March 1st, the powers that be will enable gchat for all gBear accounts!
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Another alternate Wednesday, another QuickTix! Tickets sold for on campus events this week: 1007 On campus events on sale now: Solo Dos Pesos Party: February 24th, 10pm, 12th, Party Space, $2 w/CUID, Tickets. Naach Nation 9: February 26th, 7pm, Roone, $10 Advance, $12 Day Of, Tickets. Tickets sold for off campus events this week: 1019 Off […]
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Some funny business on JJ5–fliers were posted for the non-existent “Columbians For A Cold Earth” with the slogan “Promote, Protect, Preserve, Provide, Procreate, Prokaryote.” The fictitious faction of conservationist folks were planning the “Polar Bear Vigil” when, oh the irony!, it was cancelled by recent snowfall. Keep on keepin’ on JJ5!
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Tonight from 8 PM to 10 PM in 417 IAB, the Altschul Auditorium, will be the last of the University Senate Task Force on Military Engagement’s public hearings. The hearings will be open to the media. Tomorrow night, the Task Force’s survey is scheduled to end at 11:59 PM. We encourage you to have your […]
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The following e-mail was just sent to the Law School student body by the faculty last week. The letter states that “the military’s on-campus recruitment directly violates the Law School’s longstanding policy forbidding employers from recruiting on campus if they discriminate based on, inter alia, sexual orientation.” The e-mail does not explicitly refer to the […]
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Some freshmen students have organized a Facebook event with the goal of winning a free concert from Snoop Dogg.  The school with the most votes on March 14th wins.  Facebook users can vote once a day here. Blogs are on the wane as young people rely increasingly on social networking. (NYT) Stanford, Cornell and Purdue want […]
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Ever the underdog, Postcrypt seems to bear the brunt of the War on Fun. It all started with an anonymous Bwog comment alleging the coffeehouse was serving alcohol to minors. Then came an emergency meeting with the administration, and $400 mandated alcohol proctors, who made it financially impossible for Postcrypt to keep serving drinks. Soon […]
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The maelstrom that is housing selection looms. Buy sandbags. Hoard fresh water and non-perishable, high calorie foods. Or just keep a few simple dates in mind: Housing and Residential Programs are hosting their first info session tonight at 7pm in the Carman Lounge, in order to answer room selection questions in person. There will be […]
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Icing on the Cake

Bwog has been hanging around Joe quite a bit for the past few weeks. We’ve reviewed the vittles, invited you inside of our brain, and learned the true meaning of cupping. Below, Delicious Dessert Correspondent Diana Clarke reports on Joe’s newest addition, Robicelli’s cupcakes. Today’s flavors, Partida Tequila and Abuelita: I almost missed National Tequila […]
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In John Collins’s metaphysics class: Collins: You all should come to the philosophy prospective majors open house tonight. There will be a keg, Jager shots, and cake. Due to Phillip Kitcher’s absence, we could probably get away with anything, and of course he still assumes all responsibility. A TA chimes in: And he has terrible taste […]
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The LLC played host to this wonderfully rendered study guide/commentary on the sex lives of your favorite molecules. And these aren’t the only scientists who have been getting creative lately.
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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC Meeting. As it stands, Barnard will be “kicked out of LionShare” after June. Barnard will set up its own system. Student Service Representative Lisa Mack reports Housing may get rid of the ROLM phone system and reallocate the money for “more pressing needs” since “everyone uses their cell […]
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