Cheers to a fairly successful effort to get Obama on campus, in some capacity. Though smaller in scope than some endeavors, ESC 2014 t-shirts do at least get the job done. Silly engineers, Obama went to the College! OR DID HE…? On an unrelated note, here is a picture of Obama as a pirate. Adorbs. […]
Educators4Excellence, a non-profit teacher’s organization, are camped out at Joe in NoCo right now. They’re handing out free coffee and muffins if you’ll stop and chat about education!
Hungarian Pastry Shop, the Morningside Heights staples, served its first cup of coffee 50 years ago today. Like most legendary local haunts, not much has changed since Hungarian first installed refrigeration units and expanded their shop front. Bwog wishes the unofficial capital of existential antics another successful half-century! Mosey on over for the birthday special: 50-cent coffee […] Oops. (The Independent) Foner, riding the Pulitzer tide, thinks leaders could learn a little from Abe Lincoln. (WSJ) When it comes to dining, we could have it worse. Fordham and NYU dining halls both earned a “C,” the lowest grade possible. (NYT) Wiffle ball wreaks havoc among small children and this “risky” summer camp behavior must be […]
In case you were, like Bwog, stunned by the sheer number of tour groups making rounds today, there is an explanation. Today at 11 am, the URC saw the largest tour group in its history. Just more opportunities to scar those prospies, mirite?
…for a living! This is Columbia, and, you name it—we probably have it. Join our Chief Mellifluousness Expert Nico Esguerra as he explores the annals of American education by way of a student paid to read textbooks. Know someone with concealed and intriguing skills? Tell us at Most of us look forward to summer […]
iPod touch, the older model, 32gb. About 7,500 songs in it. Has a sticker on the back with smiley faces. Lost in Lerner around April 12. Contact
Public Safety just wants you to be safe. And to help you stay safe, at some point along the line (1998? 2000? You decide.) they created this handy quiz, teaching you vital “campus survival” techniques, as if we go to school in some wild jungle. But kidding aside, it does contain some valuable information. Public […]
When they’re not headbanging or answering our inane questions, Columbia faculty enjoy getting dirty in the lab. Bwog takes a moment to look back on this week in science. Headlines were compiled by our Blip-Spotter-Spotter-in-Chief Ricky Raudales. In a lengthy New York Times piece, Siddhartha Mukherjee, self-proclaimed biographer of cancer (and Pulitzer Prize winner!), tackles overreaching claims that link […]
Pitchfork—the website whose album reviews have a Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease score on par with your student loan agreement—stopped by for WBAR-B-Q last Friday. They posted some snazzy pictures here and here. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to like these pictures before they were cool. 19 people already like the album on facebook.
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