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Overheard: “I’ve been going through a Björk phase lately. I think it’s something about being back at Barnard.” Photo via Wikimedia Commons
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Oh Hey, Princeton

Princeton’s marching band wended through campus this morning, terrorizing students with upbeat marching band tunes. Quelle horreur! The orange-clad individuals have committed such crazed acts in the past. The visit may or may not have been related to the Columbia-Princeton football game today at 12:30 p.m. on Robert. K. Kraft Field. Update: COLUMBIA WON! REJOICE!
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Another Saturday, another chance to reflect upon last night. Oh, Hulu. Cartoon by Abigail Santner
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The Residential Programs staff is having a picnic in Riverside Park at 115th Street today from 1 to 4 p.m. Stop by for free food, fun, and frisbee! Also,there are free food and drinks at the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ROTC debate until 5 p.m. in Roone. Photo via Wikimedia Commons
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Drama on 123rd Street. (NYT) Three terrible words we’ve all grown far too accustomed to: planned service changes. (Gothamist) Happiness comes to those who rarely carry cash. (Spec) This is what happens when you tag subway cars. (Daily News) Photo via Wikimedia Commons
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We’ve been keeping an eye out for good eats and curious characters around the neighborhood, this time haranguing the locals who know business. Sarah Camiscoli sat down with Steven Kay, co-manager of Mel’s Burger Bar, in one of those fancy red booths to talk life, college, and what it means to be in business in […]
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Welcome back to Cooking with Bwog, you favorite way to ease those pesky Friday afternoon munchies. This week, Matt Powell brings us hanger steak with almond-herb salsa and strawberry basil milkshakes. We bet they’ll bring all the boys to the yard! This week, I was in desperate need of meat. Sorry, vegetarians and vegans, but […]
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I think I left it in a classroom in Pupin.
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Check out our dear friend Hawkma as he perches on that odd fence that has recently appeared on South Lawn. Evidently, while you may not be able to sit on the lawns for more than five minutes before a Public Safety officer shoos you away, Hawkma most certainly can. You go, Hawkma. Photo by Mason […]
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Fun Free Food

It’s raining and gloomy right now and Bwog’s feet are wet, so the aptly-named Fun Club wants you to have at least little fun in it by handing out free food in the form of Magnolia Bakery banana pudding. So head over to the Lerner Ramps right now and grab some before it’s all gone! […]
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Hang on to your hats, folks. The Study Abroad Fair is today! If you’re at all interested in leaving “Upstate Manhattan” for a semester or two, head over to the fair in Roone Auditorium at 12:30 p.m.. Are French home-stays as awkward as everyone says they are? Where’s the best place to meet cute Italian […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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