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Posts Tagged with "culinary society"

Originally, the 2girls who brought you the best cheesecake in Morningside Heights were going to jointly write this post, but 1girl got overwhelmed and had to go. This review is instead brought to you by the other girl. On Tuesday night, the Columbia University Culinary Society held its annual Erotic Cake Competition. Naturally, Bwog had […]

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The Culinary Society is holding their erotic cake competition tonight from 9 -10 in Lerner West Ramp Lounge. Come for a taste and vote for your favorite!  Cake of beauty via Wikimedia

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For those of you who consider chocolate on par with sex, tonight is the night to test out your theory once and for all. The Columbia Culinary Society is hosting a kinky showdown combined chocolate tasting and erotic cake competition tonight at 9:30 in the Satow room. 10 different types of chocolate will be featured, and only […]

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…they might actually smile! And then probably glare at you for ruining their diets. But we digress. IN ANY CASE, if you’re craving some study break nomz, look no further than the Culinary Society’s last study break of the semester. They’ll be serving up holiday cookies like they’re going out of style, with reinvented classics […]

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Bwog has developed a cult following of freegans, moochers, and snackers who rely on us to provide them with the latest and greatest free food tips. Their leader has made themself known to us, and shall henceforth be reporting regularly on the quality, quantity and pizazz of free food events around campus. We present you […]

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Free foods tonight: Courtesy of Habitat for Humanity. Visit them tonight at 8 p.m. in Earl Hall Auditorium, and have a look at their photo exhibition while you’re there. Alternatively, you might want to stop by The Culinary Society’s Erotic Cake Competition. 10 different teams will be tested on their cakes’ taste, originality, and appearance. […]

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The Culinary Society is having a study break featuring seasonal pies at 9 PM in Lerner Ramp Lounge East. Reported flavors include cranberry-blueberry, macadamia-coconut, apple-sour cream, pumpkin, and pecan. You know it’s gotta be good cause it’s the Culinary Society, right? Right. See you there. Update, 6pm: Also, the Columbia University Photography Society is holding […]

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Every fall, Club Dimensions, a South Asian campus group, throws their annual Guria benefit–it’s full of dancing and food, and it’s fun. To plan for this year’s iteration, they’re joining forces with the CU Culinary Society for a study break featuring “gourmet Indian desserts.” Stop by the Lerner East Ramp Lounge at 9:00pm to nosh, […]

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There’s a bevy of free food available today if you know where to look. First, at 3:00 on Furnald Lawn, the Culinary Society is celebrating the end of the year with a fiesta. Get there quick for free tacos, beans, rice, aguas frescas, and tres leches cake. Then, from 6:30 to 7:30 in the West […]

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We’ve done this cooking thing before, but we thought we’d, uh, kick it up a notch. Bwog obviously loves to eat, but there are others on campus with more refined palates. We turned to Matt Powell, a member of Columbia University Culinary Society, to guide us through gastronomy. Welcome to the return of Cooking with […]

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