Today is an alternating Wednesday. So welcome back to QuickTix! Remember the TIC? Remember that you said you wanted to see New York? Tickets sold for on campus events this week: 990 On campus events on sale now: 7th Annual Guria Benefit: October 9th @ 6:30pm, Roone, $10, Tickets. The Physicists: October 21st @ 3pm […]
Urban New York, that lovely SDA program which gives you a chance at free tickets, has been canceled for the fall semester. It will restart Friday, February 18th. Bwog is waiting on comment from the director of the program. Full email sent to all Barnard students as part of Barnard CAO below. Urban New York […]
George Soros is currently the chairman of the hedge fund group Soros Fund Management, and is well known for his philanthropic support of liberal causes. Soros spoke at length about financial recovery, about what governments did right–and what they did wrong. He was introduced by Professor Joseph Stiglitz, who also quietly interpreted each question asked […]
Trojan ranked us number one in safe sex among universities. (Gothamist) Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture and Planning and Preservation students win contest, redesign Long island. (Inhabitat) New York Public Schools get Google Apps, before we do. (WSJ) Next year, you can text your friends from some subway stations. (Telegraph) Financial aid forms are […]
Are everywhere on campus tonight: Butler (including 209), 114th St., and Low Plaza. A bunch of guys clad in suits drawing attention to themselves? Must be that time of year again… Frat recruitment! Bwog hopes you have invested in a good pair of sound-isolating headphones.
The Committee on Global Thought, a Columbia organization, hosted a conference called “Sovereign Wealth Funds and Other Long-Term Investors: A New Form of Capitalism?” yesterday and today. If you didn’t hear about it, you just must not be cool or something. Today the University hosted talks from former Vice President Al Gore and billionaire George […]
Bwog’s SGA correspondent Raphaelle Debenedetti was there, and she writes with tales of alumni and free food. The meeting began with some bragging: according to US News reports, Barnard’s rank has risen from the 30th to 26th liberal arts college in the country, and is the 17th most desirable urban campus (that means there are […]
That fair that happens every year on Low Plaza is happening again, right now! Buy things you don’t need: orchids, frog magnets, Taxi Driver posters. Do buy food from the Red Balloon stand—they’ve got good cheap stuff.
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You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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