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It’s spring, a time of rebirth, renewal, and hope. As the flowers peep out from the soil each April in the cycle of the four seasons, so, too, do groovy new Apple products perpetually emerge in the never-ending cycle that is modern technology. In that vein, Bwog is very excited to bring you the first campus […]
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Whether you love them or hate them, a lot of juicy news comes out of the student council groups on campus. For that reason, Bwog is looking for a new CCSC correspondent.  Duties would include attending weekly CCSC meetings on Sunday nights, keeping contact with council members, and chasing down potential stories.  We wouldn’t even […]
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Run, don’t walk, to Philosophy Hall! To reward you for all your hard work and good behavior this year, the Easter Bunny has laid you some special jellybean-filled eggs, right there on Philosophy Lawn! Mmm! Don’t forget to thank him later.
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At last night’s show of Fiddler on the Roof, the average age of the audience was significantly higher than any of the other shows Bwog has attended in the past. Producer Jonathan Jager shared that many families purchased blocks of 10 tickets to the show, explaining the surprising lack of college students. Among the few college […]
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Lost: Commuters’ shot at evading Barnard’s mandatory meal plan. (Spec) Found: The identity of the 116th street suicide victim. (Spec) Lost: The World Trade Center reconstruction timeline. (NY Post) Found: The High Line’s two-millionth visitor. (Gothamist) Lost: Gov. Paterson’s support for state workers. (NY Daily News) Found: Labor Commissioners’ support for unpaid college interns. (NYT) Lost: Central Park’s (Easter) bunny population. (1010WINS) […]
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Little kid, maybe 13 years old, wearing a backpack walking with classmates. With a concerned look at the ashtrays outside of Hamilton: “I know there’s a lot of peer pressure at college, but why does everyone have to smoke so much?”
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You’re Not Alone

This sign in Wallach lobby misses Miami too. Photo by Anna Kelner
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Good Day Sunshine

Obviously the best thing to do on a beautiful Saturday would be to move your couch onto Low Plaza and/or play an intense game of freeze tag. Photos by MJM
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Freeze Tag?!

Tipsters tell Bwog rumors of freeze tag on South Lawn at 5 p.m. Bring your game face.
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Saturday morning/afternoon is here once again.  Why aren’t you outside? Cartoons by Abigail Santner
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Get Your Fluff On

Don’t forget! The fifth Annual Pillow Fight will commence at 3 p.m. in Union Square.  Meet at the gates at 2:30 p.m. to head down. Bring your fluffiest pillow and leave heavy objects behind.
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Fight about cabs no more! (NYT) Apple continues to take over the electronic world. (NY Daily News) The Times reviews Thursday’s concert in honor of Helmut Lachenmann. Coyote Update: violence among canids. (Gothamist)
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Prettiest blooms on campus in the spring?

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The new rules are the absolute minimum expectations of civility. (read more)
Barnard Releases New Expectations For Community Conduct, AAUP Chapter Condemns Them
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Please renovate and expand the lobbies, lounges, and common spaces, especially in the freshman dorms. Bring back the chandeliers, wood (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
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a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024

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