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Posts Tagged with "chocolate"

The chocolate in those Easter baskets may cost more this year. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death and violence. 

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Beware the chocolate. Editors warning: mentions of death and violence

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Are pesky friends being nosey about your thriving love life? Can’t tell them about the countless dates you’ve already been on with your LitHum crush (in your head)? Sick of having to roll your eyes in response to everything you’re asked during the first fortnight of February? 

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What could make a brownie more special? How about putting it in a flourless cake form and covering it with creamy frosting? That’s what we are thinking. Here’s a super easy, Passover friendly recipe that will disappear from your kitchen in 24 hours. Fallen Chocolate Cake (adapted from Bon Appetit) Ingredients ½ cup (1 stick) […]

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Nothing better than your professors telling you, among other things, to get drunk, send nice emails, or vote for them in the future. Thanks for responding to our call and submitting direct quotes and/or descriptions of actions. A Bwog tradition, we once again bring you end-of-the-semester closing remarks! Alexis Soloski, LitHum: “Last week I threw […]

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It’s a week until Christmas, and you haven’t started buying gifts for your friends! It’s not really your fault – when you have a final on Christmas Eve Eve, it’s hard to focus on shopping. But if you haven’t quite found the perfect present for your Columbia friends, don’t worry. Momma Bwog has a lot […]

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Overseen in Ferris: Master Pastry Chef and Chocolatier (according to his Twitter) Jacques Torres will be coming to Butler Cafe next Tuesday, February 24th from 3 to 4:30 pm. Also known as Mr. Chocolate, Torres is well-known for his cocoa creations, and he has eight locations throughout NYC. Treat yoself this midterms season and be […]

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“People like chocolate. People like wine. Let’s put them together.” When we spotted ChocoVine featured prominently at the front of our fair International the other day, the first thing we wanted to see was the supply and demand curve used in the slide deck that eventually produced this abomination. The second thing we wondered was […]

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Craving something sweet? In this week’s edition of Cooking with Bwog, our saccharine chef Matt Powell reveals how to make basic and not-so-basic treats like cookies, meringues, and chocolate ganache! The Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie Makes 1 1/2 dozen 5-inch cookies The best chocolate chip cookies in the city are made by Jacques Torres. This is […]

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In this week’s Cooking with Bwog, resident culinary expert and quasi-mixologist Matt Powell shows you how to make love potions for Valentine’s Day out of the two most potent aphrodisiacs known to man—chocolate and alcohol! I may not be a mixologist, but I’ve always liked to experiment with different kinds of drink combinations. It probably […]

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Need a special something for that special someone on a special budget? Let Bwog’s chocolatier extraordinaire Matt Powell show you how to make sweets for your sweetheart! We’re approaching that dreaded time of the year. It’s the most stressful time for a boyfriend— treating him/her to something special and out-of-the-ordinary, and of course finding the […]

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How does place of origin affect chocolate? Is chocolate from Madagascar better than Ecuadorian chocolate? Are you a dark chocolate person? Can you stomach a 100% bar? Even if discourses on chocolate aren’t your thing, eating it has to be.  Make your way down to Lerner East Lounge between 9 and 10 pm tonight for […]

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Chocomize was founded by three young entrepreneurs—Nick LaCava CC ’09, Eric Heinbockel CC ’08, and  Fabian Kaempfer CC’09—who met while studying together at Columbia University. One day they all went to a supermarket together. Nick, the one with the famed sweet tooth, visited the penny candy section and loaded up on candy, chocolate, and nuts. […]

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Free Things

Members of the Class of 2012 can head over to the West Ramp Lounge between 10 and 11 tonight to pick up free swag from their class council: class mugs sporting the CC ’12 logo in Columbia blue. There will be Hershey’s Hugs, too! Don’t forget your CUID. Hillel will be hosting an “I Scream […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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