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Lottery numbers—yeah, we’ve been incessantly refreshing just like you. Log into StarRezPortal, go to “Applications,” select next year, and your lottery number is under “Registration Summary.” So. How’s that Claremont suite looking now? Remember to look over our housing updates, info, advice, strategies, gossip and overheards and breakdowns here. Remember: it’s the 2010 Housing Lottery: […]
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Sarko Has Arrived

There’s a line of black SUVs spanning College Walk. Which one do you think he’ll choose?
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Yesterday CCSC released its list of party tickets for the 2010-2011 year. The following are running for the executive board; class council candidates are below the jump. The Naked Party President: Eugenio Suarez VP of Campus Life: Opal Hoyt VP of Communications: Laura Gabriele VP of Finance: Stephanie Wilhelm VP of Policy: Beezly Kiernan Stand Columbia […]
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James Franco: current Columbian, NYUer… and future Yalie? (Yale Daily News) Mystery surrounds an early morning stabbing on the 2 train. (NYT) Is CUNY full of the city’s ignominious? (NYP) Will pulling up your pants help fight crack? (Gothamist) Still not much is known about the future of GSAPP associate professor Lionel McIntyre. (Spec) Update: […]
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It may have been the first week of spring, but Mr. Sun had yet to rear his golden head. Lots of rain was in the forecasts this week, and campus style adapted accordingly. The trend seemed to be towards deep tones, heavy fabrics, and dark boots; still, everyone expressed optimism about the warmer weather ahead. […]
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After nearly suffering a nose bleed from the 11 floor climb through IAB to hear Direct General Wadah Khanfar speak on“Media Revolution in the Middle East,” Sarah Camiscoli was both star-struck by Wadah Khanfar’s presence and impressed by his thoughts on current US Policy in the Middle East, his opinions on reclaiming the responsibility and […]
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Who knew such scandalous things were allowed in the Butler green zone? Not Bwog! An anonymous tipster sent in this image documenting the work of Columbia’s talented graffiti artists: Good to know that the Stacks aren’t having all the fun.
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SIPA lobby vending machines take price competition to a whole new level: Photos by ECS
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Crime goes up. (Gothamist) A crane goes down. (NY1) Met Opera budget goes up. (NYT) MTA budget goes down. (NY Post) Coyote population goes up (even more!). (NY Mag) Lights go down. (NY Daily News)
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Nothing helps a body unwind from a tiresome first week back at school like sex! Well, this isn’t sex, but it’s the second best thing: allow us to present the third installment in our new and improved BwogSex feature. The following contemplations by Kia Walton were written in response to a question left in our […]
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Columbia Community Outreach 2010 still rocked out on the steps and saved the world despite the winter weather amidst our long-awaited Spring. Photos by RSN
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Bwog’s New Works Associate Megan McGregor reports from last night’s WORDplay event “Weekend in Boomtown: Act One” with a newfound fear of individuals who watch too much television. Beginning Thursday evening and running through Saturday evening, WORDplay: A Festival of New Works has dominated Lerner’s Black Box with theatrical innovation.  Each show consists of at […]
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The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
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