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You’ve been camping in Butler and watching YouTube videos for three days studying hard! You deserve a break! Friday Gerhard Richter – considered one of the saviors of contemporary painting, this German artist’s paintings are on show until January 8th. 10am – 6pm, Marian Goodman Gallery, 24 W57th St FREE Blip Festival – celebrating chip […]
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At least for this student: The American Institute of Psychical Research denied any involvement.
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Bwog Sousaphone bureau chief Peter Krawzcyk stood on some poor first-year’s desk in 209 to attend this fall’s Orgo Night extravaganza. This may come as a surprise to anyone of the several hundred that packed into a sweaty Butler 209 at midnight last night, but not everyone attended the fall iteration of the Marching Band’s […]
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Mama Mexico appears to have had some trouble with the authorities, as Lecture Hop Editor Emeritus Sara Jane Panfil notes that its 102nd Street location has been seized by “The Man” for non-payment of taxes. The website does seem to indicate the other two locations are still going strong.
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The MTA has passed a wide range of service cuts, including ending free fares for the more than half a million students who currently receive them. (Times) The laws regulating tap water are so old that many Americans are drinking legal yet unhealthy tap water. Water filter makers everywhere put their fingers together and hissed […]
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Finals got you down? Midnight Breakfast is here “to help you get your groove back” according to the event page. Breakfast food will be in LeFrak Gymnasium for Barnard first years at 11pm, the rest of Barnard at 11:30, and open to the rest of the CU community at midnight. Nothing like the smell of […]
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The abandoned stone structure on 119th and Amsterdam sort of looks like a medieval castle – a very, very small one. It isn’t quite the stuff of architecture classes, but the little building stands out – you’ve probably wondered what it is or was as you passed the forgotten, weedy lot. It’s not like there’s […]
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In an alert titled “Security Alert – Sexual Abuse – Forcible Touching,” Public Safety reports that several females were accosted in the late afternoon on December 13th in separate incidents near campus. The victims were “grabbed” by male assailants, who then fled on foot. Full Public Safety alert after the jump, including fuzzy photos of […]
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A For Apathy

Students from a Radical Democracy course are ending the semester with a bang: a truelife protest on Low Steps. This is not, as hypothesized by some, a final project, but rather an independent project dreamed up by a group of “classmates and friends,” as one mini-Mark Rudd put it. One young radical was seeing waving […]
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You probably haven’t been as excited to evaluate your courses as that automated Courseworks student-pestering system thinks you are. Yes, robot, I must have just forgotten to do my evaluations, thanks for the reminder! But at this point you’ve got to start thinking about it, since the deadline for most class evaluations is tonight (presumably) […]
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Oh Grant Me A Garden

The Grant Houses Community Garden Project is exactly what it sounds like. Columbia students want to help public housing residents just north of us build a garden for communal use that could become a sustainable and nutritious food source as well as a source of community pride. Liz Naiden reports on the saga of this […]
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The Shredding Truck

Is on college walk! Get your most personal papers destroyed for eternity today until 4pm or tomorrow between 8am and 4pm. It’s free!
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a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024
Building inspections are a scam. Back in 2010 contractors reported little old ladies for illegal basements and the next day (read more)
Bwoglines: Typhoons And Media Tycoons Edition
September 19, 2024
beautiful anthropologie like $30 bowl they dont make anymore...... the thief is evil (read more)
The River Hall Bowl Thief: A Hate Letter
September 19, 2024

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