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More sad news from the Columbia community tonight.  John David Fernandez, CC ’12, passed away over the weekend because of complications from pneumonia. A self-described Misesian libertarian, he was Vice President of the Columbia Libertarians and helped organize and host several on-campus libertarian events. We’ll keep you updated with information about memorial services. Our thoughts […]
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Barnard Gets Meta

The Barnard website is getting a makeover, but it seems like it’s going to take a while. On Thursday, Barnard students received an email from Scott DiPerna, Director of Electronic Communications (?!), announcing the plan for an overhaul of and introducing a Barnard Website blog that will keep whoever’s actually interested up-to-date about the […]
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Today, the University issued an update on the situation in Haiti, confirming that six SIPA students and one SIPA faculty member are on their way back to New York after being safely transferred to the Dominican Republic yesterday from Haiti. Two CIESIN (the Center for International Earth Science Information Network) faculty made it back to […]
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Do you have 3 hours to commit one night per week this semester? Put your time to good use by coaching high school students this spring! Let’s Get Ready is a program designed to help under-served students achieve their college dreams. Coaches work in Harlem at the Frederick Douglass Academy, and tutor a group of […]
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What does our fearless leader do when he’s not, um, doing whatever he does everyday? He watches Dean Quigley buy soup and he appears on public television. Last night, Bwog stayed up past our bedtime to catch PrezBo on Charlie Rose. Bollinger and the nearly equally dapper Mr. Rose spent most of El Presidente’s half […]
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We were just informed that Michael Sinnott, an Environmental Biology major, passed away over the weekend due to natural causes. Memorial and funeral services have been planned and donations are being accepted in lieu of flowers. Our thoughts are with Michael’s family during this time.
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The world’s best known former Ruggles inhabitants, Vampire Weekend, released their new album Contra yesterday. The album has received positive reviews so far, including  a shockingly high 8.6 from notoriously picky Pitchfork Media.  The band was recently interviewed for a Wall Street Journal music blog, Speakeasy. The band talked about books and wore cardigans. VW […]
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An article from today’s New York Times outlines the large (and growing) presence of veterans enrolled at Columbia. The article claims that good old Alma has, “more than any other Ivy League institution…thrown out a welcome mat for returning servicemen and women.” There are currently 210 veterans at CU (88 are in General Studies); GS […]
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Right when we all skip town, Morningside goes crazy! Pinnacle shuttered; our delusions of security shattered, etc. Chase Bank on 109th and Broadway was robbed. (Westside Independent) More Manhattanville commentary, this time alluding to Albany. (WSJ) Bored at Butler is back. Recent posts include “entourage is good” and simply and mysteriously, “koronet.” It’s really cold […]
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Bourbon Street Bar at 346 West 46th Street Kick off the semester at our “Bourbon Street” style CAVALIER COUTURE launch party/BeNEfIt for Cataract International! Gothamist Magazine describes Bourbon Street as… “…a lavishly appointed homage to New Orleans’s French Quarter opened in the theater district… the two-story restaurant evokes the Big Easy with gas lamps, wrought […]
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Matt Kalish, SEAS ’12,  sends in this photo of a shuttered Pinnacle Deli: The phones happily rang when we tried to call Pinnacle but no one answered.  The Department of Health is closed on Sunday and the most recent inspection is not online yet, so use your imagination!  Because, as you know, Pinnacle was always […]
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It’s New Year’s Eve! But before you go popping the champagne corks, strap in for an announcement and a look back at the last semester of the Aughties/Naughties/Zeroes. First, starting tomorrow, former daily editor and current magazine senior editor Eliza Shapiro, CC ’12, will be taking over as Bwog editor; joining her as deputy will […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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