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Bwog’s latest Defense project is of an architectural persuasion: Revson Plaza and its sculptures. Claire Sabel bravely takes on the task. For some, Revson Plaza, the elevated walkway over Amsterdam connecting SIPA, EC, and the Law School to the rest of the campus does not sit comfortably among the rest of the Morningside architecture. There […]
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Looks like the New York Philharmonic’s got competition. Photo by JYH
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Black Box Correspondent Mark Hay attended last night’s performance of NOMADS’s latest production: Your correspondent arrived early to last night’s production of “The (Love) Story of Myrtle Willoughby and Willough Myrtleby (and the Neighbors)” to attend its Opening Gala—mainly due to the promise of free food—where I happened to meet Kurt Kanazawa (CC’11), president of […]
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Good morning, Columbia; or is it? While we dreamt the night away, the world descended ever further into the throes of chaos! See for yourself: Hulu may begin charging for content in 2010, apparently because we haven’t been showing it enough love. (Huffington Post) Mumps outbreaks in Brooklyn and New Jersey are linked to a […]
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Free Dinner

Engineers Without Borders is holding a giant Roone-sized event this evening at 7:00.  Beyond Borders: Food will feature discussions with experts about the “cultural and social contexts” and the “systemic factors” affect our food. Academic blathering aside, the event will feature an “Indian/African” dinner – no word on whether this is a hybrid or two […]
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As always a plethora of exciting events to entice you to leave Morningside Heights, but equally important is the costume hunt for the upcoming, All Hallows Eve-encompassing, long weekend… stay tuned to Bwog for important Halloween updates Ongoing Paley DocFest Documentary Festival tickets go on sale Friday for events throughout the rest of October. Student […]
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SocketHop explains technology affairs to the technologically-impaired. Today marks the public release of Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 7.  There’s a lot of information and a lot of technical details flying around the web, so we’ve tried to distill it down into a chunk of need-to-know information. What is Windows 7? Windows 7 is the […]
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 Geert Wilders, the highly controversial Dutch politician, spoke last night at Columbia on “free speech.”  Bwog’s Smoke and a Pancake Bureau Chief (look, we had to get the joke out of the way) Mark Hay was in attendance.  After the jump, Derek Turner, Communications Director for CUCR, provides a statement. Protests were limited to a […]
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 Real fish.  Or is it? Recently, members of Columbia’s staunch vegan community have accused John Jay of mislabeling non-vegan food with the “VN” stamp.  Specifically, students have reported suspicions that the vegan-labeled eggplant parmesan and the turkey burger plates just plain can’t be. Vicki Dunn, Director of Columbia Dining Services, responded immediately to pacify students.  […]
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Broadway musicals!  Even if they’re ending. (NY1) Cheaper subways!  We’re awake anyway. (NYT) Foreign languages!  Especially screamed by small children. (NYT) Fluttering ladybugs!  When they attack New Jersey. (1010WINS) Shirtless men!  On the verge of awesomeness.(Flotrack) New York City!  All of it! (Voice)
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Free Food Part Deux

The second round of free food opportunities hits two very different careers. Right now, until 9, in Lerner 568, the Pre-Law Society is hosting a pizza study break for “those already committed to law school and those who just want to find out more,” plus those who just want to take the free pizza. And […]
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A number of free food events fill this Wednesday evening, so many that we’re going to split the listings into two posts. Starting in right now in Lerner Party Space, QuAM is hosting “panelists from across the political spectrum” to talk about LGBTQ issues, with chips, soda, and cookies to help the discussion go down […]
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Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024
Thank god you found her again. If you hadn't we'd be totally defenseless against the angels (read more)
O Asuka, My Asuka: An Appreciation Letter To The Columbia Community
September 25, 2024

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