Desperate, lonely, seeking validation, and studying furiously for your upcoming exams? We have some advice for you. If you don’t see it working out, consider submitting a personal. Dear Bwog, Valentine’s Day is coming up and…I don’t have a date. Usually I like to wait around the stairs leading to JJ’s Place and wait for […]
If you’re struggling with how to interact with other human beings – specifically, on public transportation – Bwog has some advice for you. Some of it might be good advice, other parts could be absolute crap. It’s up to you to find out! Dear Bwog, I have a regular babysitting job (shoutout Barnard Babysitting Agency) […]
Columbia is an extremely small university, and sometimes it feels like everyone knows everyone. It is embarrassing but not that big a deal when your vague acquaintances and Facebook friends see you grinding against someone in a frat basement, but the additional danger is greater. What happens when you see someone in a professional position […]
Earlier today, we received a question from an anonymous tipster about the Senior Scramble results, which supposedly came out today. The email said: “i got a senior scramble match do i email them back? wink at them over a 40? plz advize” Well, tipster, we can assure you that you’re not alone in wondering how […]
Dear Bwog, I’ve been having serious cravings lately. I really miss home-cooked meals and the tastes that I am accustomed to. All the food here is too colorful. But do you know what I’m really missing? Some good, ole-fashioned, sweaty white dick. Yours, cheesecake lover Dear Cheesecake lover, Don’t ever feel like you’re alone! Columbia […]
If you’re having real drama with your faux-family, has Bwog got some advice for you! Some of it is good, but most of it is (arguably) not—instead of studying for finals, try to distinguish which is which! Dear Bwog, My friend group is going through some weird tension right now, and it has to do with […]
Over the course of the semester, we have received a series of anonymous tips from (presumably) the same first-year concerning coming out to their roommate. With Queer Awareness Month behind us, we saw it fit to address one of the many LGBTQ-specific issues often faced by members of our community. You can find the series of tips, as well […]
Even though the stress of midterms is mostly behind us, the stress of midterm grades isn’t. If things didn’t go as well as you hoped, Bwog is here to help with a customisable email template that you can send your professor. It might not be too late to turn things around! Dear Bwog, I just got […]
What do you do when your significant other drunkenly breaks up with you? You ask Bwog! The Question: Dear Bwog, I remember you guys used to do a bunch of these… so here it is: last night, my girlfriend told me she needed a break. She was really drunk and she said it in passing, […]
Dear Bwog, I am a freshman, so I don’t know much about the rules of journalism at Columbia. Here is my question—am I allowed to be part of both Bwog and Spec? Sincerely, Bwog-curious Dear Bwog-curious, We love that you’re interested in experimenting with Bwog, and we don’t care what other publications you’ve written for […]
We know it’s a little late in the game to answer questions about how to survive finals week, but Bwog still loves dispensing advice. Ask Bwog is back to help you figure out how to deal with burnout, bad grades, and caffeination. What should I do if I have a headache because of too much […]
Dear Bwog, If I end up in the unfortunate situation that is choosing to Pass/D/Fail a course, will my professor know that I’ve done so? Love and rockets, Questionable Student Dear Questionable Student, We’ve been wondering the same thing, and thought we might go to the source on this one. We reached out, and earned […]
Dear Bwog, At what point does my procrastination become a real problem? Yours, Buzzfeeding in Butler Dear Buzzfeeding in Butler, Now, we’ve all been known to take a sip of procrastination here and there. Sometimes you just need a little to decompress after a long day or give your head a break. In fact, in […]
In today’s edition of Ask Bwog, we help you buy beer (or not buy beer) from the unlikeliest of sources. If you have any questions about anything, email or use our anonymous tip form. Dear Bwog, It was 1 am on a Saturday night (Sunday morning), and we desperately needed alcohol, so we made […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025