When all through the library, Not a student was stirring, not even in 209. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, A man dressed as Santa, giving little treats to CCers and Engineers!
CUZ THERE AREN’T. ANY. Or in Butler. And no one is gonna let you forget it. Observe: Signs from left to right read: “This Room is in use!,” “DO NOT DISTURB!,” DO NOT TOUCH CHALKBOARD PLEASE,” “OCCUPIED!” and “TAKEN.”
Everyone and their mother has a final (or three) tomorrow, and we’re all hanging out in Strugglesville tonight. We’ve seen a lot of people do some silly stuff in Butler this week, and discovered these two blogs of Columbians sleeping in funny positions instead of studying. Leave your own overseens in the comments. Guy walking […]
The crusaders against camping seek justice! Determined to displace the denizens, they dole out notices of “relocation.” What a euphemism! Mr. Red pen knows what’s really going down: eviction. Beware, your drink and dignity will be discarded. Photo by Mike Rady
Bwog has seen Butler camping and even orated on its behalf. But if you’re in CC or SEAS, today you received an email from your senators which may threaten that sacred masochistic rite. Amidst standard student government “we want to hear what you want” business-as-usual, Bwog found this bit: Libraries and Technology – Contact: Kenny […]
Bwog’s sources report a fire alarm in Butler at the ungodly hour of 9:45 AM. The building was evacuated. On the plus side, for a brief while there were tons of empty seats. images by MEQ
There are NO FUCKING SEATS IN BUTLER. Stay in bed. Don’t come here. We should mention that there are other libraries, they just don’t stay open at night when you need to them to be.
Found in the African Studies Reading Room on Butler 6. Looks like the War on Fun is still alive and well…
Jumpin’ Jehosaphats! The overhead lights in the Reference Room have been off all weekend and the room is glowing strangely and kind of beautifully. It is also freezing. A man with a Nike baseball hat sits hunched over his homework, coat and scarf on, rocking back and forth for warmth. Surprise: there still aren’t any seats, […]
Butler was rated 4th most beautiful library in the country! If only the judges knew what a wretched hive of scum and villainy it is during exams when there are people in it. (CampusGrotto) Nissan wants us to buy their fancy-pants eco-friendly car, the Leaf. Unfortunately, it doesn’t perform well in extreme temperatures. And do […]
The neighborhood seems to be getting a face-lift this week. Perhaps you did not notice? Bwog did! The Starbucks espresso machine that had broken down, causing considerable distress, has now been repaired. Hartley lounge is is getting new windows. Everything is covered in plastic and the doors have been locked for days… The main entrance […]
Saturday morning midterm ritual: wake up, brush teeth, stretch, walk down the hall back to 209 to continue studying, procrastinate by checking Saturday Morning Cartoons, feel meta. Cartoons by Abigail Santner
Budget 19 extra seconds into the dash to print before class! Update: Security at the (temporary) front desk said the work should be done by tomorrow
Everything has increased in price, but luckily, life has improved ever so slightly here in Morningside. Pastries in Nussbaum have labels. What’s life without a little bit of mystery? Mel’s fry deal: Fries are now $1.75 with a burger and soda/draft beer. (Fries are usually $4.) There’s a new mushroom salad topping at the salad bar […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025