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Posts Tagged with "Bwog gives thanks"

As part of an annual tradition, we’re once again bringing to you a small snippet of the many things we’re thankful for, from roommates to alcohol to understanding TAs. Comment below some of the things you’re thankful for this year! The Pals: Zayn Malik (and his hair) My amazeballs roomie Gwendolyn My suitemates The ladies at Liz’s […]

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We know, we know, we said we were on break. But in honor of Thanksgivinukkah (is that how you spell it?), we bring to you in the spirit of annual tradition a small selection of the many, many things we’re grateful for this year. From people to food to certain late night haunts, here’s a […]

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As per tradition, we put our heads (see: gmail accounts) together and compiled this long list of the things/people/places/things/snow penises for which we are most thankful. Contest, corroborate, or add your own in the comments. It’s that time of the year where we’re allowed to get a little corny (<– Thanksgiving pun), so on that note, […]

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The Bwog staff did what we always do and compiled a list of things we are thankful for. Feel free to leave yours in the comments. Columbia, have an absolutely lovely Thanksgiving. We are so very, truly thankful to you for reading this website and for lots of other things. Randos PDF versions of textbooks […]

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Bwog will be slowing down for Thanksgiving break–even cynics like us are spending time with family. As per tradition, we present a list of everything Bwog staffers are thankful for.  Thank you for reading and enjoy this break! For when we can’t get mom’s cooking… 25-cent coffee in the German department Acquiring a taste for […]

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Bwog will be taking it easy today in deference to Thanksgiving and hope you will be too. And as per our tradition, we’ve compiled a list of everything and everyone for which/whom we’re thankful. People Andrew Sarris Lil Wayne Michelle Obama Alan Brinkley Giambattista Vico Andrew Revkin Robby the Vending Machine James Franco (and the […]

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No, thank YOU!

Ah, Thanksgiving break, the time for turkey, family, pie, and untimely assigned papers. Surprisingly, Bwog has a family too, so posts may be a bit sparse for the next few days. But before we binge on pecan pie, in the vein of traditions, Bwog gives credit where it’s due. Through a very long e-mail thread, […]

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Bwog Says Grace

By now, you’re probably on your way to Tucson or Trenton, Tuscaloosa or Taiwan. Bwog is also busy this Thanksgiving, eating turkey and kvetching. So if you don’t see so much activity on the site over the next few days, that’s why. But before we set off, we bring you a list of things we […]

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