While an official announcement hasn’t been made yet, multiple tipsters have confirmed to us the lucky pair: Valedictorian: Margot Lazow Salutatorian: Elizabeth Lyon Margot is a Biochemistry major and the president of the CU American Medical Students Association; she’ll tell you all about applying to med school the right way. Elizabeth is a Classics major […]
It all began when Bwog overheard this conversation: Freshman Girl: Hey, so how did Pride and Prejudice end? Freshman Boy: Oh, they get married. FG: Really? Like her and Darcy? FB: Like yeah. How did you get into this school anyway? We realized that many of you Freshman and Sophomore types might not have had […]
We’ve got you covered! Good luck, sophomores and anyone else fortunate enough to take the CC final today!
Speaking of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming! Creed, CC ’88, is the executive producer of NBC Nightly News and the Vice President of NBC News. There has only been one female Class Day speaker since Columbia went co-ed in 1983: Claire Shipman, CC ’86, also a TV journalist, spoke in 1999. Creed was […]
In case you weren’t worried enough about seeing/not seeing your family over Thanksgiving—or perish the thought, even about looming finals—here’s something else. Tomorrow, November 18th, is the deadline both for CC students to switch a class to P/D/F and for SEAS students to drop a class. There are various and sundry rules and people you […]
History Ph.D. candidate, CC instructor, and HuffPo columnist Meghan Doherty tells the world about Plato’s Republic. And calls you all “elite.” (HuffPo) Did you know that Ivy League football players can make it to the NFL? Will that change your mind about going to football games this season? (Bloomberg) A new Columbia University Center for […]
CC 2012’ers and 2013’ers are embarking on a long, painful three hours: Lit Hum and CC finals happen today, in every nook and crany of Hamilton, from 12:30-3:30. Bwog wishes you the best of luck, and we salute you: you’re on your way, kids! Freshmen should reacquaint themselves with our most recent study guide, and […]
It’s been a while since the last one, but we’ve finally collected ourselves enough to head back to office hours. Liz Naiden got up at 9am to visit the castle keep of medievalist and long-time CC professor Adam Kosto. Read on for the earnest, conscientious prof’s views on weird medieval people, Columbia undergrad culture (THAT’S […]
Two Bwoggers sent in this photo of the mysterious (and large) SOS in the South Lawn snow, taken earlier today from the 7th floor of Hamilton. What could have possibly caused someone to create the massive distress signal? Could it have been due to some late-night shipwreck, leaving the castaways no option but to carve […]
Still winding down from that CC exam? Check out this mix, graciously relayed by a student of CC teacher Dermot Albert Ryan. Plato – “Quiet” – The Beta Band Aristotle – “We’re Going To Be Friends” – The White Stripes Hebrew Bible – “Israelites” – Desmond Dekker New Testament – “Jesus” – The Velvet Underground […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025