Have celebrities lost their minds? Professional tabloid reader and Twitter user Miyoki Walker has taken it upon herself to answer the question by ranking famous alumni behavior during the quarantine.
What can we say? Columbia is clearly the most popular place for famous people to come hang. In honor of tennis champion Novak Djokovic speaking at the Altschul Auditorium in SIPA this afternoon, Bwog wants to take a moment to reflect on some of our bff’s visits. We still couldn’t find ourselves humored by Chris Rock We […]
Here’s a review of Catching Fire that will have no effect on whether or not you actually see the movie. (CNN) Lady Gaga did another weird thing but this one you probably shouldn’t open at work. (Digital Spy) Sorry that the word ‘selfie’ is still being used. (Daily Beast) And your weekly Rob Ford. (Daily Beast) […]
Certain people are insecure and can’t handle when someone is more awesome than them, so they’re accusing Michelle Obama of faking a stutter during her winning DNC speech. Haters gonna hate, but Michelle will just keep raising those ridiculously defined arms. Also, Bill Clinton spoke. People got really excited. (Gawker, Washington Post) Despite the fact […]
Say hello to the first member of the class of 2013: Blake Lively, from TV’s Gossip Girl program. There she is on the right, looking studious. Lively mentioned in a recent interview to W magazine that she’d like to take classes here, at “Yale”, one day a week. Apparently, “the possibility of attending Columbia University […]
As some of our more movie-savvy readers have noticed, Hermione Granger (also known by the alias of “Emma Watson”) is currently touring the Ivy League, having already made stops at Harvard, Yale, and Brown (?), and provoking geeky analogies that Bwog certainly will not engage in. Though, just for the record, we would like to […]
Maybe you made some new friends at your internship or job over the summer, how nice for you. Professor to the Stars Jeffrey Sachs has made some new best friends and oh, they are awesome. Here’s our Jeff Sachs (right) with famous people John Mayer (he of smoldering stare on the left), and Jennifer Aniston […]
Everyone’s favorite Morningside newspaper is taking a midterms hiatus, so no QuickSpec today. There will, however, be Ask Bwog. Bwog will be taking on questions about anything—Columbia-related or not. For instance, “Why does Lerner 4 smell like vomit?” or, “Why does the M104 smell like vomit?” both make excellent queries. Send questions to bwog@columbia.edu […]
After finding out about Elton John’s shindig at the little old cathedral down the way, Bwog donned our best wannabe-paparazzi gear (i.e., a dinky digital camera) and headed over at eight o’clock for a glance at the spectacle. A quick peek turned into nearly an hour of celebrity-sighting bliss as we joined the groundlings swarming to […]
Page Six is reporting that Elton John will be celebrating his 60th birthday party this evening with cocktails, dinner, and dancing just down the street at the cathedral of St. John the Divine. The guest list of 300 will probably include more star power than Columbia’s seen since the Dalai Lama. Awesome. But does anyone […]
It’s Matthew Fox, of Lost fame. We hope this is a joke. (Though some of you commenters in the other thread seemed prescient…) A genuine teevee celebrity! Chris Szabla reports: “The general mood among seniors: either appalled, or wondering if Quigley and Chait were playing an extended joke. Even the video montage of headshots from the likes […]
While B&W toils upstairs in Lerner, the staff of Spectator is taking their own turn at the West End, following their annual Blue Pencil Dinner and Lecture. After the elegantly attired ladies and gentlemen of the 130th and 131st managing boards filed out from behind Low Rotunda’s back curtain (having been feted on the company […]
The Rockefeller Center tree lighting, from Bryan Mochizuki to your computer. 7:58 PM: Two minutes ’til showtime. Apparently New York markets were treated to an extra hour prior to the national broadcast. Taylor Hicks fans, start kicking yourself now – he just performed his first song. Two preshow thoughts: Will anyone sing a holiday protest […]
After Prof. Janaki Bakhle opened her morning class surprised that anyone bothered to show up with “Denzel and Russell Crowe [pictured at right on another set for the same movie] filming at 116th and Riverside,” where she was excited that she “saw limos,” Bwog could not resist checking out the scene west of campus, where yet another crew […]
You’ve heard about CULPA. It’s been recommended by most of the many people who give you advice. But like Wikipedia, the underground listing has its flaws, and shouldn’t be your only source of information. Here’s Bwog academic advisor Owain Evans on how to get the most out of CULPA—as a source of entertainment, if nothing […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025