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Posts Tagged with "ch-ch-ch-changes"

According to an email sent out by Dean Awn, General Studies is undergoing changes to its Core Curriculum in order to “bring about closer alignment between the GS Core and the Columbia College Core.” These changes include the adoption of Literature Humanities, Contemporary Civilizations, and the Global Core. The changes go into effect for students […]

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Save The New Date

According to an email from Dean Awn, the date for GS Class Day has been changed late in the game, due to the amount of set-up and security checks required for Obama’s Barnard Class Day visit. Instead of taking place on Monday, May 14th, the ceremony will occur on Sunday, May 13th. Spoiler alert (literally): it will […]

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Citing “financial constraints,” AHinks just notified the Barnard community via email that their physical education requirement has been reduced from two semesters to one. Students can still take two semesters for credit, but why would anybody do something they didn’t have to? From: Date: April 13, 2012 12:10:01 PM EDT Subject: Change in PE […]

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Thanks to the good people in the IPA (InterPublications Alliance, not that), you can now subscribe to have your selection of Columbia’s wonderful undergraduate publications delivered right to your Lerner mailbox. Cool, huh? So if you want to make sure you receive every issue of, oh we don’t know, The Blue & White, just fill out this […]

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Trading Faces

As announced last month in a press release, the J-School has been undergoing a little nip/tuck to bear a famous name. While the official reveal is slated for 4/20, we snuck an early peek:

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Big schedule changes are in the pipes for Fall 2012, Columbia. Bottom line is that 8:40 am lectures and 8:00 am sections will exist. Today’s email from the Registrar is after the jump. Yesterday, Bwog met about the change with Barry Kane, Associate Vice President and University Registrar, and Margaret Edsall, Associate Vice President for Academic […]

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Be on the lookout for the February issue of The Blue & White, on campus now! Bwog will again honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Such treats include the first part of a discussion on the Columbia School, an investigation into Columbia’s animal testing practices, and a talk about, […]

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Last night was the Student Governing Board’s semesterly town hall, a gathering of the leaders of dozens of student groups to elect a new executive board and decide whether to allow new groups to join SGB. The Student Governing Board (SGB) is an important, if largely unknown, institution at Columbia; created in the aftermath of […]

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As we heard in January, Google Apps (“Lionmail”) are slated to replace Cubmail. It’ll be called Lionmail, which is like cubs, but grown up. Everyone will get Lionmail by 2012, but 1000 lucky students will score it in mid-April, as part of the trial “Phase One.” If that interests you, sign up for the lottery that they […]

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One more surprise administration announcement, of the sort we often get: Professor Linda Bell of Haverford College has been named Barnard’s new provost. Hailed as a “compassionate communicator and a natural leader” by Spar, Bell will start October 1, 2012. She will take over from interim provost Paul Hertz, who’s temporarily managed the post since Elizabeth […]

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Early Wednesday morning, the Student Space Initiative, a group that’s planning to renovate Lerner Piano Lounge and Broadway Room to create a new student lounge, had a “very, very good” meeting with Dean Valentini, Dean Shollenberger and Dean Martinez. The team, armed with a resolution by all the councils that support their initiative, came with […]

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We’re on your side, Columbians. We give you the news, engage in relevant and intellectual debates, and we always answer your questions, even when they’re kinda awkward. And we know that aside from PrezBo’s hair, not much is more mystifying to the student body than the housing lottery. We have always strived to give you […]

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After getting to know the new Campo Mike, we thought we’d check in with the original. For those who joined the Columbia community after last December, Mike Wetherbee, former general manager of Campo, was a familiar face on Thursday and Saturday nights Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. This March will mark the end […]

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Bwog was born out of remedial html coding and ramblings about Russian art. Life was never very easy in the beginning. Spec was curious, Gawker didn’t want to play nice, and Bwog tried to be the big kid on the playground. Since then, Bwog kind of grew up, but never at heart. There has been a […]

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Agonize no longer about what John Jay’s facelift will mean for the ambiance of your favorite date spot—its shiny tabletops and questionably sauced meats glisten once again under lights much too bright for a Campo Mel’s hangover. Wethinks the juxtaposition of the round tables with the floor’s neutral-colored quadrants conveys the plight of a carefree freshperson […]

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this is such a great article! (read more)
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Ngl it's better when the professors don't erase the boards until they have to... it lets you refer back to (read more)
LectureHall Review: Havemeyer 309
September 17, 2024
Absolutely hilarious! (read more)
Investigating The Butler
September 16, 2024

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