It’s that season again, when savvy organizations try to use your warm and fuzzy emotions to rake in some cold hard cash. There’s a strong showing this year– but who does it best?
Though we’ve already somewhat slyly commented on President Obama’s recent withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, we’ve decided that the event deserves a more thorough discussion. The U.S. has maintained a presence in Iraq since 2003, a.k.a. when most current undergrads were still in elementary and middle school. This war has dominated America’s foreign attention […]
Bwogger Carolyn Ruvkun tagged along with the Columbia University Democrats on their annual campaign trip. Recapturing Columbia’s activist past, the dedicated Dems knocked on 50,000 doors, made the local news and almost got arrested. So open a cool can of Keystone, kids, we’re heading to the Keystone state! Early on the Friday morning of Fall […]
This slice of relevance provided by Wikimedia Commons Sarah Camiscoli is a shoe-leather journalist! She sat in on the College Dems vs College Republicans final debate of the year, and everyone yelled a lot. The chalkboard in Fayerweather 313 blared: “Resolved: The public school system should be replaced with vouchers.” This was to be a […]
The Columbia Political Union hosted another in its series of debates between the Columbia Democrats and Republicans. Senior Junior Political Correspondent Derek Huang was there. Ah, debate: an experience normally associated with eager high-schoolers who take themselves too seriously. Last night’s debate, though, involved a different type of hyper-argumentative youth. Last night’s debate between the […]
The College Dems held a contentious rally against a member of their own party on Thursday. Bwog’s Senior Love/Hate Correspondent Mahrah Taufique reports. Despite the slush and chilly weather, the Columbia University College Democrats (CUCD), joined by State Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell, rallied on the steps of Low from 9am to 3pm yesterday for the first […]
The College Democrats are on Low Steps now for the first event of their Students Advancing Marriage Equality (SAME) campaign. Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell, State Assemblyman for District 69 (aka Rosie O’Donnell’s brother), will be speaking at the event at noon!
Election season means another Columbia Democrats campaign trip, and this year, they are returning to the Old Dominion (aka “Virginia”) to campaign for gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds. Sean Quirk sends us the first of two dispatches from the trail. It’s 11 A.M. on a blistering, rainy Sunday morning as Columbia Democratic foot soldiers get a […]
Last night’s Columbia Political Union Healthcare debate boasted no special format: the soothing power of the free market versus humanity and logical responsibility. Their respective groupies cheered, scoffed and even engaged in some raucous Joe Wilson-ery. More valuable than watching the news, less valuable than personally investigating the issues, but more time-effective than either – […]
Proving that even middle grounds can be staked forcefully, the Campus Democrats released a statement lambasting the recent Gaza protests on campus, accusing both camps of harmful divisiveness. They urged dialogue instead of separate protests and unveiled their plan to cosponsor, along with CIRCA, the College Republicans, Hillel, Turath, and the Chaplain’s Office, a “community […]
And here Bwog thought that Barack Obama’s victory would satiate campus liberalism for at least a month. Instead, the College Dems are already out to hold him to account, and this year they have a new weapon: LARGER POSTERS! Bwog mostly loves them for being put in blatantly no-poster zones. Dems Lead Activist Kate O’Gorman told […]
Intrepid photographer/Columbia Dem Nancy Huemer took about a thousand photos down in Virginia. She sent along her favorites from the trip, presented in chronological order (and with silly captions). The van considers a stop at the local Cracker Barrel. Judy Feder introduces herself through “large-hand” gesticulation.
Before anything happened, Lauren Salz advised the next president to break his promises. Obama won. Yes, he did. Just in time to find Washington decimated. We watched it in Harlem, Times Square, Virginia and the Broadway Sky Lounge. Now what? Apply for grad school!
Bwog’s James Downie checks in again from Virginia. Photo by Jason Reed of Reuters. ON THE ROAD BETWEEN LEESBURG AND MANASSAS, VA. – Even after an hour waiting in the November cold, 80,000 people can make some noise. That was the first lesson of the Obama campaign rally the College Democrats attended late Monday night. […]
Bwog’s James Downie checks back in from Virginia. LEESBURG, VA. – If you’re going to knock on doors for a candidate, you will rapidly learn how much you’re willing to work for that candidate. 6 hours of walking tests not only one’s feet and shoes, but also the ability to sell a shtick again and […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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