While the Obama-McCain registration page appears to be broken at this time–most likely overwhelmed by all of you constantly refreshing the page–the unchanging black-and-blue interface of Columbia College has undergone a makeover. Here’s hoping it’s more navigable than the last.
Wipe that crust from your eyes, Columbians. It’s the second day back from Spring Break, and jetlag is no longer an excuse (unless you’re just returning from some three-day hell of flight cancellations and missed connections, in which case…good luck!) While you suck it up and drown yourselves in coffee, here’s some more stuff we’ve […]
All Columbia staff received an email yesterday alerting them to changes in the online directory; evidently, changes are not limited to the new antifreeze-blue “search” button. The email, sent out by Lisa Hogarty, Executive Vice President of Student and Administrative Services, indicates that the online directory will now have “an improved search engine,” “a comprehensive […]
In which Bwog actually clicks on those homepage links you studiously ignore when checking your email… Sachs’ crew, rewriting the story of Katrina, confronts existential quandaries Barnard prof may have saved Sophia Coppola’s latest flick from the deep shame of tiny historical inaccuracies Über-Greek CC alum (he’s the “Archon of the Holy Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople”!) […]
Matthew Harrison C’05, who loved being President of CCSC so much that he decided to stick around after graduation, has been deluging Bwog’s inbox lately (okay, he sent us two emails) hyping up Environmental Sustainability Day (which is apparently tomorrow). He geeked out a bit to let us know there is now an environmental section on the University Events Calendar, […]
A few things that Bwog noticed on the Columbia Homepage this morning: – Rich man (Bill Gates) gives another rich man’s (Warren Buffett) money to a third rich man (Jeff Sachs) to, eventually, help poor – Administration puff paper takes note of Bwog idea, interviews faculty bloggers Also, two of our favorite banners from the […]
There’s something different about Columbia’s homepage, and it’s not wittier news headlines. A few days ago, eagle-eyed website watcher Chris Szabla noticed that the two spades on Columbia’s crown logo have morphed back into crosses, prompting our tipster to wonder whether the Campus Crusade for Christ had paid off or if there are more divine […]
Go check the Columbia webpage and behold the Columbia News section’s love of wisdom. The Kitcher deserves better.
Participate in Bwog’s caption contest— the following photos from Columbia’s homepage are lacking good captions. Help them out! A. B. Post your captions in the comments. Winners will receive a signed copy of the May issue of The Blue and White and everlasting Bwog glory.
The ever-so-helpful Columbia homepage has a story about Natalie Portman’s legendary visit to Stuart Gottlieb’s Terrorism & Counterterrorism class. Most important, however, is a link to the video footage! See Natalie on Van Am Quad! See Gottlieb looking hot! See yourself, unshaven and weary-eyed, totally unprepared for contact with Hollywood royalty! Also, there’s a full […]
Headline spotted: Engineering Students Perform Plumbing Feats in Ghana Thankfully the phrase “Feats of Rectal Strength” was rejected by the Columbia homepage. They know better. Bwog doesn’t.
Today’s Headline: Recycled is the Paper of Choice at Columbia. In other news, food is the eat of choice. Just another day of the obvious on the Columbia homepage.
Current Columbia homepage headlines: Music Is a Major Key to Reviving the Musical City Learning to Think Strategically Is Harder Than It Looks This just in: Falling Brings You Closer to Ground. Also, a quote from the music article: “The suicide rate in New Orleans appears to be rising long after the floodwaters receded, according […]
An empty puff piece on South Asian studies at Columbia (“Of Columbia’s many ties with South Asia, India is probably the strongest”) ends with a dazzling flourish of geopolitical hubris: “the buzz about Columbia’s newly revitalized South Asia program will soon be spreading all over the Subcontinent.” Just like militant Islam! Um, the world is […]
Columbia says: Middle School Girls Experiment With Science Day Before you know it, they’ll be building meth labs.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025