By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll have so much money that you’ll have trouble seeing the stairs.
This afternoon, Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger announced reopening plans for the 2020-2021 academic year, following Barnard President Sian Beilock’s announcement earlier today. In a follow-up to the announcement, he also clarified Columbia’s stance on the recent ICE restrictions on international students.
Today we’ll take you through through the best, worst, and most on-brand posts from the r/Columbia subreddit.
I don’t normally write “Columbia Buildings As Blank” posts, but I thought this had to be published.
It has been reported that Plimpton Hall, one of Barnard College’s residential housing locations, has an exterior foam layer containing asbestos wrapping around the building. Students were shocked to come back to their suites yesterday evening to find a notice on the entrance door declaring that a removal procedure will be carried out from the […]
Time is running out before Columbia’s lawns fall victim to commencement. Before that happens, let us celebrate via power rankings the best and worst sports and activities to play on Columbia’s lawns. 1.Sunbathing – While you can do this on the thin strips of lawn along College Walk, it’s best done on the wide expanses of the South […]
Columbia has experienced a rash of suicides in the past four months. The crisis has made news in outlets from the New York Post to Gothamist. The suicides are shocking in their proximity, but the culture of overwhelming stress, competition, exhaustion, and hopelessness that contributed to them isn’t news to students. CC student Julien Reiman […]
Earlier today, Columbia University, along with sixteen other academic institutions, jointly filed an amicus brief detailing their position on the recent executive order on immigration from President Trump. The institutions include all of the members of the Ivy League, as well as Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Chicago, Duke University, Emory University, Johns Hopkins […]
Has your friend made you a starter pack yet? Nah? Ok, sucks for you, but we made one that applies to the whole university. Here is is! Enjoy. Starter packs look bad. However much effort you might put into finding the perfect objects is almost certainly more than what you put into arranging them on […]
Columbia students really aren’t the best with maps. Whether we’re trying to figure out how Barnard works or asking international students for their images of America’s downfall, we’re learning at Bwog that you should probably have a map handy wherever you go instead of trying to remember it yourself. In this edition, we ask CC […]
Bwogline: Golden Globe nominations were announced early Monday morning, with La La Land and Moonlight earning the most. American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson and Stranger Things were among the big TV nominees. The ceremony, which will be hosted by Jimmy Fallon, will take place on January 8th. (Hollywood Reporter) Study Tip: Instead of memorizing the […]
Bernie attacked Hillary’s qualifications for the White House in a speech in Philly today. (NY Times) However, Hillary did visit New York yesterday, and even rode the subway (though it took her five swipes to get her card to work). (NY Times) Have you seen CMTS’s Sweeney Todd yet? (Look for our review later today!) […]
Columbia and Yale have been held down for far too long. These two teams haven’t been to the NCAA tournament since the 60’s, but are now both 4-0 and will face off tonight at 5 p.m. in New Haven. The winner of the match will have the inside track to securing the Ivy League title, […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024