It’s Saturday morning (okay fine, afternoon—Bwog had a rough night). Enjoy the cartoons, friends. You can move onto reading actual words after you’ve had some coffee. Baby steps. Cartoons by Jody Zellman
Here at the Bwog, we’re fans of the underdog, the little guy, you know, the little train that could so to speak. So when it comes to consumerism, corporations and all that jazz, we support locally-owned independent businesses. As detailed in the current issue of The Blue and White, Morningside Heights unfortunately has succumbed to […]
Today is Veterans Day, but the local RiteAid has already fallen victim to a vicious attack by Christmas decorations. Bwog assumes the ladder is temporary. RiteAid is not the first victim of this offensive — others include Starbucks and Duane Reade (all the way back in September). If your friends or favorite establishment come down […]
Oh look, here is a depressing thing: Duane Reade has already begun stocking up on Christmas decorations. In hopes that these were actually just leftovers from last year, Bwog checked with the salesperson who confirmed that yes, these are new for the season. So if you’re looking to start your Christmas paraphernalia collection early, at […]
The Eye maintains that the following things suck: Days on Campus sucks. No, seriously, Days on Campus sucks. And it lies to you. Conspicuous consumption sucks. (Unless it’s a $355 bikini.) Passover does not suck. But Wikipedia … does?
Christmas shopping in New York is a bitch–there’s so much, and it’s so expensive, and expectations of wonderful gifts from the Big City are so high that it’s tempting just to throw in the towel altogether. Christmas shops, then, can furnish a partial solution to the problem of finding ten things for ten people in […]
Bwog correspondent Alex Weinberg couldn’t pass up another 99 cent store, which called to him “like sirens beckoning Greek sailors towards the rocks.” Here are the wonders he encountered: – A toy CD player with 4 discs included. The discs don’t spin, but they still manage to contain about 40 children’s songs each, most of […]
David Iscoe reports on secular advantages to Kosher-for-Passover food. In many ways, for food lovers, religious dietary restrictions are horrible. It’s not that I can’t imagine a life in which I couldn’t eat a cheesesteak, it’s just that I imagine that life would suck. The laws cut both ways, however. Sometimes, religious laws act as […]
If you are a typical broke college student – you know, the one who has reached the point of sneaking Tupperware into campus study breaks and gotten into the habit of scrounging for paid psychology experiments – chances are you’re having trouble fulfilling the financial obligations of the holiday season. Luckily, our very own Columbia […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025