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Posts Tagged with "jody zellman"

We’re on the homestretch, friends. Just one more week of classes before finals doom! We know work’s piling up, and you’ve got three seminar papers to write and a thesis to finish, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the time to stop and smell the roses check out some ‘toons. Gotta keep those priorities […]

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As the end of the semester and graduation approach, we all start to ponder our futures. Jobs? Internships? The real world is a scary place, especially when all you can think about is whether you’ll pass your swim test. Stop worrying, Saturday Morning Cartoons has got your back. So sit back, relax, and peep these ‘toons. […]

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Good morning, friends. Though we already posted some lovely illustrations of gossip from The Blue & White yesterday, Saturday just isn’t Saturday without some ‘toons! Check ’em out! Cartoons by Jody Zellman

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Okay, so maybe these are closer to Saturday Afternoon Cartoons, but whatever. ‘Toons are ‘toons! As you nurse your hangover (Bwog’s go-to cures are a bagel and a blue Gatorade), enjoy these lovely drawings and ponder your post-grad plans. English majors, it appears your future may have something to do with lizards… Cartoons by Jody […]

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Good morning, friends! We hope your 7 midterms, 5 papers, and 8 problem sets are going well. We’re sure you got lots of work done last night in Butler (or at least did lots of “brainstorming” at 1020). Even if you didn’t work last night (and it’s totally okay if you didn’t—Bwog is a judge-free zone), […]

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Going to school in New York City can be rough, especially when the weather is rainy and gross, and everyone is grumpy. Friends, take heart—spring break is only two weeks away! Until then, sit back, and enjoy the ‘toons. And remember, there’s no better way to procrastinate than a lil’ constructive doodling. We want your […]

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Love is in the air, and it’s making Bwog feel all warm and fuzzy. Cuddle up with a loved one (or just a pillow, we know times are tough), and enjoy the ‘toons! Cartoons by Jody Zellman

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Sean Udell and the relentless POTUS Project have not given up hope. As part of the ongoing effort to bring President Obama back to his alma mater for Commencement, Jody Zellman penned this persuasive cartoon. Given that PrezBO/Bama might not read Bwog, POTUS is also sending a copy direct to the White House.

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These times, they are a-changin’. Saturday Morning Cartoons keeps you up to date on cutting edge technology. Now if only there were an app for recording your night, post-blackout… Cartoons by Jody Zellman

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It’s Saturday morning (okay fine, afternoon—Bwog had a rough night). Enjoy the cartoons, friends. You can move onto reading actual words after you’ve had some coffee. Baby steps. Cartoons by Jody Zellman

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Oops! Today’s page seems to be missing from the almanac! (We did discover, however, a page of the Facebook variety – they have joined our good friend International in the realms of social networking.) However the farmers market is open, with 5 farms expected. It’s a good day for cider and donuts!

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Bwog is delighted to present to you the first fruits of what is sure to be a beautiful friendship between Saturday Morning Cartoons and illustrious cartoonist and God O’ Bacchanal Jody Zellman. Interested in joining the parade? Cartoonists, artists and illustrators always welcome! Sign up via By Jody Zellman

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