Despite all appearances to the contrary, Columbia is aware that there has to be a little give and take when it comes to the Core. Yes, the classes you have to take to graduate are also the ones that are impossible to get into. You know it. And they know it. That’s why for Music […]
Cultural clubs are teaming up to think green. They were all yellow at one East Village restaurant. These riders can’t help that the MTA is in the red. Lacrosse hopes to stomp the Crimson. Don’t let the Core make you feel too blue.
McBain had a rough weekend. A lot of rhetorical questions about the practicality of a Columbia education. “You don’t often hear the words “erotic” and “Columbia” in the same sentence.” Who wants to work for the Committee on the Core? …Anyone? First Columbia, then ex-Queen members? Even America?!
Columbia’s favorite non-partisan political periodical is on news stands but not online, so we’re giving you the low down on this month’s issue by the page. Rwanda’s President: Westernizer or War Criminal? (Page 4) Wall Street and Main Street: Vast oversimplifications of the credit crunch or is it just homeowners’ faults? (Page 6) LitHum, CC […]
Can you miss the good old days of something you never actually experienced? Everything I know about politics I learned from Stuyvesant High School Why can’t Broadway be just like it used to Wherefore art thou, print media! Catwalk it back to Venus de Milo, she says
Bwog enlisted freshman correspondent Peter Thompson to report back with all the exciting details of the semester’s first Lit Hum class. Notebooks and laptops in hand, the thousand or so 2012s filed in to Roone Arledge Auditorium this afternoon for their very first Columbia class. Professor Gareth Williams, chair of Lit Hum, started speaking at […]
Bwog’s received a copy of the list of courses that will count toward the Global Core requirement. The class list still isn’t on the Core website, but thanks to one anxious senior/Bwog staffer, we’re able to reproduce it after the jump for you. Remember: the 12s must complete two courses from this list, while for […]
After picking up on the vaguely changed Major Cultures requirement last week, we inquired with the good folks at the Committee on the Core to figure out what exactly we have to do to get this one out of the way. Profs. Patricia Grieve and Roosevelt Montas (the subject of an interesting profile here) had […]
Remember all that yelling last fall about changing the Major Cultures requirement? About how it was going to change into a seminar using $50 million from the endowment? Well, the requirement has changed for the class of 2012, according to a bulletin from the Core office — but Bwog isn’t actually sure how different it […]
Well Teacher’s College, maybe November will see better days. CU wants u 2 b safe. What does “wadding up” mean? Columbia Spectator is one-sided, ignores “kill whitey.” The core is useful beyond just cocktail parties.
Columbia’s own CNN – or perhaps MSNBC – presents its latest episode, and we dissect it for you. Core schmore, what about the part when he made fun of “300”?! CTV presents: Beating a Dead Horse 101. What is a Mimzy? If it doesn’t have any connection to the Core or Modesitt, we don’t care. […]
Bwog was impressed with this weekend’s Core conference, which got a lot of important professors to put their convictions and opinions on the line. No panel was more emotionally invested than the last, however, where sly references could be ego-bruising digs. For instance, Philip Kitcher called a panelist a “Platonic form” after the panelist had railed against his […]
Dave Denby kicked off the core conference yesterday evening, but today there have been- and will be- a series of panels and talks to cover issues ranging from student opinions to the Core’s place in the world. Here’s the first report, from Rachel Lindsay: At 9 a.m. this morning, before last night’s mixers had been cleared […]
If you’ve read selections from David Denby’s journey back to his college days in Lit Hum or U Writing, you’d have some idea of what he was going to talk about at his keynote address this evening in the faculty room of Low, speaking underneath the peaceful gaze of a Buddha head mounted on a […]
Students download music, get passively nasty letters (we would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for that meddling RIAA!) Young SEAS professors get money to change the world, could give MIT “a run for its money!” Spec explores its inner snob, writes a wine review Also, Op-Ed goes all out on the core, […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025