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Posts Tagged with "nsop 2008"
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CCSC Sleeps In

For those of you with your heads buried in move-in, this weekend was also a time of meeting and greeting for the Twelves, as student groups began the race to lure fresh blood with a number of mini-club fairs in preparation for the big one on the plaza this Friday. Student Councils and governing boards […]

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Lerner Party Time?

2012ers are probably aware of tonight’s event, but upperclassmen on campus might not know that Lerner has been taken over by NSOP. It appears that they’re going for a Boardwalk-like theme, as the entertainment includes “free popcorn and photo booths,” as well as caricature portraits! Roller coaster tickets not included, but free popcorn does mean […]

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Most of the NSOP schedule leaves freshmen with two choices: go to the “required” event, or skip it. Tonight, though, newly-convocated Columbians have at least five choices for their entertainment.   NSOP is asking you to join them at Victorian Gardens to “meet your class for a tantalizing night under the stars. Who knows who you […]

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Bwog enlisted yet another freshman corresponder, Aseel Najib, to summarize this year’s incarnation of the NSOP-sponsored scavenger hunt, CU: Remix.  Before the Remix could start, Columbia continued its schedule of live PSAs.  Entitled “Community Forum”, this one aimed at bringing together students of various ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations, and highlighted the importance of social […]

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Bwog enlisted freshman correspondent Peter Thompson to report back with all the exciting details of the semester’s first Lit Hum class. Notebooks and laptops in hand, the thousand or so 2012s filed in to Roone Arledge Auditorium this afternoon for their very first Columbia class. Professor Gareth Williams, chair of Lit Hum, started speaking at […]

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Bwog followed the Class of 2012 to one of NSOP’s headline events, After Hours at the Met. From the overly large museum, freshman correspondent Will Leonard reports. Before they could arrive at the hallowed destination, 2012ers had to deal with the double danger of novice New Yorkers: Metrocard machines, and getting across Manhattan on the […]

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Embracing all things collegiate, Bwog joined the class of 2012 last night in Roone Arledge Auditorium for Class Act: Advance Screening. Day One of NSOP challenged the wily troop of 12s with long lines, dorm room design, and familial farewells followed by awkward introductions and icebreakers.  But no odyssey draws to a close without its […]

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Convocation 2008

It’s Convocation time, and to celebrate, Columbia began by playing some warm-up music, including “525,600 Minutes,” which is a song from the tragedy RENT and is also what we predicted to be the amount of time this thing would start late. Fortunately, we were mistaken, and at 2:35 PM, the OLs marched in with colorful […]

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Welcome to the Columbia Olympics. Through this series, Bwog hopes to prepare you for at least some of the events that you will participate in at Columbia. Unlike the real Olympics, no one’s too young, too old, too juiced, or too angry to participate. Since everything must be judged, though, we have included gold medal […]

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This morning, the rest of 2012 has arrived on campus to be greeted by happy NSOP leaders and their first Columbia challenge: move-in lines. Reports from campus indicate that the lines are manageable, though. Free food mavens, be aware: the family lunch is starting right about now, allowing you to test the efficacy of NSOP […]

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Bwog spies report that the first batch of West Coast Terrible 12s have arrived on campus, with the others following in the next day or so. Because we were all once first-years — and the 12s need all the help they can get — we’ve put together a list of Surprisingly Useful Last-Minute things to […]

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While the first 2012ers are off hiking, biking, or rafting somewhere north of New York, and three days before the rest of their classmates arrive, NSOP has released its 2008 schedule to the public. Mind-numbingly boring rituals like Convocation, Under1Roof, and the academic assemblies are of course part of the schedule. For the more “fun” […]

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It’s time for our exciting first look at NSOP 2008! Seems as if this year’s festivities will not include the traditional Orientation Concert on the Steps. You’ll recall that last year Clipse performed with the World Famous Vampire Weekend.  A Columbia Concerts insider explained that it’s “not entirely clear” why there’s no concert, only that […]

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Remember when famous prefrosh/Internet savant “Stephan” invited everyone in school to his Carman dorm on the first night of Orientation for a party? No? Well it turns out the party’s been relocated — to an undisclosed location! “Why go 2 a small dorm party, or a frat. party, when you can go to the biggest […]

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