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Posts Tagged with "crime and punishment"

We are pleased to present another excerpt from the new issue of the only, the inimitable, monthly undergraduate magazine of this fine university: The Blue and White. In this piece, B&W contributor Luca Marzorati, CC ’15, describes his experience spending night after night at a midtown night court. He witnessed the arraignments of some regular NY criminal […]

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Earlier today, Spec reported that police had arrested a young woman who’s been posing as a Columbia freshman for the past few weeks, despite having no official Columbia enrollment (or enrollment at any Columbia-affiliated school. The woman told freshmen and OLs that her name was “Rhea Sen” and Spec reported she was about 20 years old, […]

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The New York Post, tone-deaf as ever, reports the story with the headline “Columbia Frat Honcho Jailed.” Walter Perry, the titular honcho, is accused of stealing $650,000 from Saint Anthony’s over six years, and has been sentenced to at least 24 months of jail time. It is not clear how the money was obtained, but […]

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Remember that husband-and-wife pair who stole almost $200,000 from Columbia? John Bzdil, former manager of the Pediatric Neurosciences Department, and his wife Heather Rinehart were accused of defrauding Columbia out of thousands with fake bills. Well, those who thought this Bonnie-and-Clyde story would not get any better did not anticipate a good ol’ slice of […]

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Barnard Crime Alert

All Barnard students received the following e-mail this morning about an incident in Riverside Park yesterday:  Dear Barnard community,  The Public Safety Department disseminated security alerts involving a B/C student who was in Riverside Park, Sunday March 22 at 1:55pm and a male  approached her and proceeded to expose himself. Please be aware and alert […]

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A crop of books are due back at Columbia’s libraries today, and if you don’t give them back or renew them, you pay a quarter a day. That’s a Snickers bar you lose every three days your books sit collecting dust in your room. Oh, and if you lost what you need to give back, […]

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Harvard rejects can always feel bad that Ted Kaczynski was accepted, and now Columbia has its very own esteemed criminal alumni. Esther Reed, a Montana woman who attended Columbia for two years under an assumed identity, was sentenced yesterday to four years in prison for identity theft. Starting in 2004, Reed spent two years studying […]

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Uh well, yikes: a husband and a wife have been arrested for trying to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from Columbia. John Bzdil III and his wife Heather Brooke Rinehart scammed the University by sending in fake invoices that somehow, in fictitious criminal land, related to the Pediatric Neuroscience department at the Med School, […]

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Early this morning, local media reported that five youths were arrested for the seven assaults last Sunday. From the Daily News: Investigators captured four of the suspects Wednesday after a 17-year-old picked up on Tuesday ratted out his pals, sources said. The public also helped out by phoning in tips after police released video of […]

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Yesterday, the Columbia Community received an email from James McShane announcing the release of Public Safety’s Annual Report. Bwog’s Crime Bureau Chief Jon Hill crunched some numbers and compared Columbia with Duke and U. Chicago (our peers in U.S. News rankings) on their levels of per-student (full-time enrollee) crime. Says Hill: “The University of Chicago […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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