Peter Awn, Dean Emeritus of the School of General Studies, passed away yesterday following a car accident last month.
This morning, President Bollinger sent out an email to the Columbia community with the news that Peter Awn, the Dean of the School of General Studies, is leaving his position at the end of this academic year. Dean Awn has been the dean of GS for the past twenty years, and has “been responsible for […]
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these student government officials from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. That means GSSC was meeting as soon as school restarted, planning out this next semester. Student government bureau chief Joe Milholland reports on what, exactly, these plans consist of. The first day of […]
Deantini and Dean Awn got themselves a surprise pre-Valentine’s serenade from none other than your local Kingsmen. To say the least, Bwog is jealous. We expect our surprise performance some time in the coming hours, or at least a V-day platonic hug. The gallon of chocolate is already empty and the mint chip one is […]
While GS Dean Peter Awn is a turkey on Thanksgiving, he is a professor of Islam during the rest of the academic year. And he is accomplished. If you need proof, CNN featured him in this story about different religions’ beliefs in the afterlife, shared via a tip. Professor Awn contributed his knowledge: Christianity clearly […]
Today was Commencement for the entire University, where all graduates were made official and all deans made nerdy inside jokes about their schools. Read on for memorable quotes, pictures, and videos. Remember: tonight the Empire State Building will be lit up Columbia blue and white. And more importantly, Bwog is proud of you. PrezBo: “It […]
GS students just learned the details of their class day speakers. The keynote speaker will be Professor Nicholas Dirks, Chancellor Designate of the University of California at Berkeley and the Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University from 2004 through 2012, among other distinctions. Dean Awn says: […]
Today was the first day of the rest of your lives, or so we hear. For your own records, enjoy this photographic evidence that you did in fact put on the robes and get the degrees. Also, you can watch all 167 minutes here. Send your own photos to, and we will add them! […]
Apparently in response to outrage over the rescheduling of GS Class Day, Dean Awn sent out an email late this afternoon announcing a “modest fund” that will attempt to relieve those families “most significantly affected” by costs incurred from late changes to travel/lodging arrangements. Awn’s email is posted in full below. Dear Graduates, Together with President Bollinger and […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025