THERE IS A NEW DINOSAUR. THIS IS AWESOME. Editor’s warning: Mentions of death and injury.
A rare dinosaur skeleton sold for $6.2 million to an unnamed buyer. Editor’s note: mention of death.
Beware the British dinosaurs! Big (carnivorous) dinosaurs are leaving their mark. Editor’s note: mentions of violence
Dinos and Kafka and Frozen II in one article.
Worrying about childhood obesity may be all the rage now, but the first clinic to treat it opened at Columbia way back in 1930. (Newsweek) Gac Filipac, a custodian at Columbia, spent 20 years taking night morning classes for a Classics degree from GS. On Sunday, he’ll finally graduate—with honors! Then it’s grad school application […]
Bloomberg Businessweek profiles PrezBo in a new light. (Bloomberg) A blind Chinese blind rights activist escapes “extralegal” house arrest in his rural village; American embassy may or may not be harboring him. (NYT) Ronald Breslow, author of space dinosaurs, is being accused of self-plagiarism; he denies everything. (Nature) Some rich alumnus who credits Columbia with […]
Back from Bacchanal? Get back in the spirit of science with more far out stories of the hubris of man, brought to you by your paleontologist pal Zach Kagan. There comes a point in the career of any great scientist where he or she can get away with a lot. Legendary chemistry professor and arbiter of first year orgo, Ronald Breslow, […]
It’s finals! You’re hungry. Like, prehistoric hungry. Not sure what that means? Find out at the last Live at Lerner of the semester from 12 to 2 pm in Lerner Piano Lounge. They’ve tricked the place out with—we kid you not—a mashed potato bar. You’ll be able to caveman carbo-load to your heart’s content, without facing […]
When they’re not headbanging or answering our inane questions, Columbia faculty enjoy getting dirty in the lab. Bwog takes a moment to look back on this week in science. Headlines were compiled by our Strong-Willed but Gentle- Handed Correspondent Ricky Raudales. A team of scientists recreated functioning enzymes that date back between one and four billion years […]
Julia Stiles, CC’05, wins an alumni award, poses with PrezBo. (Spec) Columbia paleontologists discover a 240-million-year old dinosaur fossil. (USA Today) Student activism is BACK at Berkeley. (HuffPo) In retrospect, we shouldn’t be surprised to hear that LOLcats was somehow turned into a profitable company, but who would have thought the guy that runs it […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025