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Posts Tagged with "drop deadline"

Even on the last day of classes, it’s not to late to save your GPA!

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Are you in a class that feels like the most exclusive clique on campus? Do fellow classmates treat your professor as a father figure even with his degradingly superior intellectual prowess? I’m sorry to say, it may be a cult. 

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CCSC said “yes!” to two major proposals last night, on which Joe Milholland reports with equal enthusiasm.  The Columbia College Student Council debated two proposals on Sunday night. First, they talked about a proposal to extend the CC drop deadline from 5 weeks to 7 weeks in the semester. Academic Affairs Rep Grayson Warrick argued […]

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Towards the end of the winter, the world looks bleak. The summer sun have been reduced to distant memory, there is no Christmas spirit left to sustain us, and even Valentine’s Day (definitely more of a mixed bag) has passed. In this context, that midterm failed seems an insurmountable obstacle, those essays looming a portent of […]

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Instead of party hopping in their dorms last night to steal Doritos and participate in “intellectual” discussions of the commercials, the dutiful members of CCSC kept on trucking with their weekly Sunday night meeting. Even more dutiful Bwog staffer Joe Milholland is here to report.  On the afternoon of Super Bowl Sunday – or, as CCSC […]

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Today is Tuesday, October 7, and if you’re in CC or Barnard, that date holds special significance for you. Alas, today is the deadline for dropping a non-Core class (the Core deadline passed a while ago) if you don’t want that nasty W on your record for all of your potential employer’s hiring managers to […]

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CCSC this week was all about transparency.  So we present to you this article in the most transparent way, with as little commentary as possible.  It was written by CCSC correspondent Joe Milholland.  At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council meeting, the council had a discussion about student representatives on academic committees, particularly the Committee […]

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Many of you in CC and Barnard have acted like your class is dubstep and waited for the drop…deadline. Well, here it is! If you want to do this, print out an add/drop form, fill it out, and hand it back in to the Student Services Center in Kent 205 before 5pm. It’s too late […]

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