In which Bwog Staff narrowly avoid a bad trip by investigating a very real possibility.
Crossing bike lanes will soon be even more daunting!
We really are just like Euphoria but without the drugs or sex or crime or drama or…
Literal wins, imminent wins, and metaphorical wins—take your pick!
An anonymous Senior Staffer may or may not have accidentally ended up at the Big Gay Ice Cream Store on Bacchanal last year, having missed the opportunity to purchase a ticket, and having gotten a little too lit at pregame parties. She doesn’t regret it, but she’s here to describe the Bacchanal process through the […]
If you’re still in the city and planning on going home, you should probably think about leaving right now. (Gothamist) An early Christmas present: Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are back to filming Sherlock. (Mirror) Haven’t talked to your high school friends (or your high school dealer) in a while? Here’s a guide to scoring […]
Congress has apparently decided that it won’t be passing serious legislation on privacy for the time being. Instead, states will be responsible for making sure our search histories deepest darkest secrets aren’t available on the web. (NYT) THE RED SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES. AGAIN. (NYT but also do you live under a rock?) At least one […]
Watson and Crick didn’t have the full story, it appears! Scientists at the University of Cambridge have released a new study showing that 4-stranded DNA exists within the human genome. (Fro Sci didn’t prepare me for this!) It is being called the G-quadruplexes, and there is excitement over its potential to aid in cancer research. Only […]
Stephan Vincenzo—oops, it’s Perez–is back on TV to discuss the “prescription epidemic” sweeping the country. Again! Dressed to the nines (again), Perez also talks about returning to New York for trial and his forthcoming graduation from Emory University. The video won’t embed for us, but you can watch him tell his “story about redemption” here. […]
Discipline and punish. (The Economist) NoCo is saving the environment! (Sacramento Bee) Change is coming to the Central Valley. (New York Times) Good Guy Anonymous, stopping child pornographers. (Time) The FBI can’t seem to keep track of its super secret spy gadgets. (TechDirt) Questionable behavior via Wikimedia Commons
New York Times foreign correspondent and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Anthony Shadid passed away in Syria due to a severe asthma attack. (Columbia Journalism Review) Jon Stewart has temporarily cornered the market on late night satire. (New York Times) Corruption is everywhere. (The Guardian) Never take candy from strangers undercover cops. (AlterNet) Bunnies via Wikimedia […]
Fighting the war on lame hats Drugs: Latin American leaders call for drug regulation because the War on Drugs isn’t working. (Washington Post) Body Fat: Analysts are slaves to passion. (Yahoo!) Tax Evasion: Society expects something of you! (The Atlantic) Contraception: More fancy hats. (New York Times) Ye Olde Analysts via Wikimedia Commons
On December 7th, 2010, five Columbia students were arrested for allegedly dealing marijuana, LSD, cocaine, Adderall and ecstasy. Four of the five students arrested were members of fraternities. They were arrested after allegedly selling drugs to an undercover cop. This is a story you now know well. Exactly thirty-seven years earlier, on December 7, 1973, […]
Bwog found Mickey Avalon’s backstage spread rather ordinary – fruit, iced water, some Red Bull. When Zoe Camp and Peter Krawczyk showed up to interview him before last night’s show, they couldn’t detect slightest sign of illicit behavior – for all we know, it could have been Al Gore’s green room. But then out walked […]
Students for Sensible Drug Policy is holding a phone banking event to end marijuana prohibition in California in 501 Lerner with free pizza from Angelina’s (105th and Broadway). Apparently there’s some sort of competition between other SSDP groups nationwide to see who can make the most calls, with the winner taking home a banner. Bwog […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025