Who will be the next to bring air conditioning to your local lounge, or free feminine hygiene products to bathrooms across campus? With the passing of the deadline to register for CCSC and ESC candidacy, we now present you with the lineup for who you will potentially be targeting your campus complaints at next year. The Columbia […]
Congratulations to the new leaders of the Barnard Class of 2019! We’d like to applaud those who exercised their right to vote, as well as all candidates who ran, some of whom employed pretty creative campaign strategies, (We’re a little disappointed that the girl who gave out roses and cupcakes didn’t win but we also […]
It’s roughly 11am on a Tuesday morning, so you know what that means… Barnard Bearoness Maddie Stearn is here with her weekly wrap-up of the Monday night Barnard SGA meeting. Read about the Senator’s update, news regarding funding, and upcoming events in our community by reading below. In this context “party” really means “vote,” but the terms don’t […]
With Ted Cruz’s confirmation that he’s running in 2016, it’s clear that elections are on the brain. Columbia is clearly following the Texas Senator’s lead with the release of the official candidate list for CCSC, ESC, and GSSC elections. View the list below to see who’s running.
Last night Bwog’s Barnard Bearoness, Maddie Stearn, took a break from midterm studying to cover this week’s SGA meeting. The agenda included hot topics such as Health Services offerings, an amendment to the Election Commission, and a conversation about the fire in 600s. Read on to learn more, and maybe you’ll even be inspired enough to take […]
As our Founding Fathers noted in the Declaration of Independence: Let Facts be submitted to a candid world! That’s what members of CUCR say they are trying to do. But first, here are some other facts: Members of CUCR were going to present a list of grievances at the meeting of their board (new and old) […]
Barnard’s SGA election results were just announced via email. Not all posts were filled, so some will be available for application in the coming weeks. Below are the positions, names and UNIs of the new officers. SGA President Julia Qian | jq2210@barnard.edu VP for Student Government Sarah Shuster | scs2173@barnard.edu VP for Campus Life Shivani […]
The CU Elections Board has announced not one, but two rules violations during the recent elections cycle. Sean Ryan of Refresh and Andrew Ren of TAP sent unsolicited mass emails in the process of campaigning. In response, the elections board deducted one vote for every 10 students who received the spam. This didn’t affect the […]
The Student Affairs Committee of the University Senate just announced its two new co-chairs for the 2014-2015 academic year—a law student (and CC alum) and a B-School student. Matthew Chou, CC ’14, and Akshay Shah, SEAS ’14, have served for the past year as co-chairs. You can read the press release and the platform they […]
Columbia Elections Board just released the official candidates for CCSC, ESC, and GSSC. We hope you’re as excited as we are. Despite the changes to E-Board elections, only one person is not running in a full party for the CCSC Executive Board. Joseph faces two complete parties, whereas the ESC E-Board is uncontested. 2017, understandably, […]
Well everybody, it’s voting time! We just got the email that elections are up at 10 am this morning. The referendum will still require the President and VP of Policy to run together, but VP for Campus Life, VP for Finance, and VP for Communications will be voted on separately. At least 30% of the student […]
It’s fall break a.k.a. Election Day weekend. So read about Jack Hidary, mayoral candidate and Columbia drop out. He’s gunning for third. Jack Hidary—tech entrepreneur, millionaire, and aspiring politician—will not be the next mayor of New York. According to a recent The Wall Street Journal/NBC 4 New York/Marist poll, even if Hidary sways every undecided […]
Since CCSC backpedaled on its decision not to hold elections for the University Senate opening, 36% of you voted. Results below. 1. Marc Heinrich took the USenate seat with 394 votes (24.7%). Manik Uppal followed with 290 (18.2%). And in third was Samer Ozeir, current Chipotle brand ambassador, with 192 votes (12.03%). 2. Divestment ballot […]
We’re pleased to introduce you to half of your USenate candidates. We did the honors of asking ’em all the same questions and present them to you in the order in which we received responses. Read on, get informed, and get ready to vote. We will have another post later with the remaining candidates. Voting […]
As we announced earlier, after an interesting turn of events, there will be a direct election for the University Senate. There will be a debate in the Lerner Satow Room on Sunday from 4:30-5:30 pm and polls will open next Wednesday. The candidate list has just been announced and is as follows: Conor Skelding Alexander Andresian Yassamin Issapour David Kang David Froomkin Marc Heinrich […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025