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Posts Tagged with "election results"

Earlier this morning, the Columbia Elections Commissions announced the results of the Spring 2021 CCSC and ESC Elections to students over email.

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SGA Results Are Here!

Student Government Association? More like Super Garage Aardvark!

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Fall elections are officially over! Here are the results: CCSC 2020 President & Vice President Siddharth Singh and James Ritchie (Lion heart) CCSC 2020 Representatives Grant Pace (Lion Heart) Danielle Resheff (Lion Heart) Astrid Walker­Stewart (Lion Heart) CCSC 2017 Representative Tracy Ting Cao CCSC Sandwich Ambassador Joseph Villafane ESC 2020 Class President Ria Garg (SEASus Take […]

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The votes are in for Barnard’s student government! SGA’s election results can be viewed below. They had a 28% voter turnout, according to SGA.  The revised SGA constitution also passed. SGA President: Sara Heiny Vice President for Policy: Maya Edwards Vice President for Campus Life: Angela Beam Vice President for Communications: Margot Langstaff Vice President […]

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After open voting via my.barnard this past week, SGA has released the results of their elections this afternoon. The winners are published below in a press release from SGA. Congratulations to you all! Dear Barnard, Thank you to all our candidates and everyone who voted during SGA election! Congratulations on successful, innovative, and productive campaigns. […]

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Since CCSC backpedaled on its decision not to hold elections for the University Senate opening, 36% of you voted. Results below.  1. Marc Heinrich took the USenate seat with 394 votes (24.7%). Manik Uppal followed with 290 (18.2%). And in third was Samer Ozeir, current Chipotle brand ambassador, with 192 votes (12.03%). 2. Divestment ballot […]

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Bwog is pleased to announce the results of the GS Student Council election for 2013-2014. Although the list of winners we received this morning featured many more percentages than Bwog is used to dealing with on Friday mornings, from what we understood, the runner-up in the four VP races automatically becomes the chief representative for […]

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The Columbia College Student Council Elections Board just released the results of the Fall 2012 election: President and Vice-President: Ramis Wadood and Ana Vargas (The Corps) Representatives: Grayson Warrick, Peter Bailinson, and Claudia Khoury (All from the Corps) The Corps seems to have swept the election for the Class of 2016! Candidates can contest the […]

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The class of ’14 has spoken: The Kiwi Krew swept the first year elections, except for Cristal James who took one of the Rep spots, displacing Jessica Eaton. Stay tuned for the official numbers. From Kiwi rep, Daphne Chen: “Speaking for myself I can promise that I am actually genuine about trying to make this year […]

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Bwog would like to extend a lively huzzah to our newly elected class officers: JungHee Hyun, president of Barnard’s SGA first-year class council, and Cherie Meyer, the 2009-2010 University Senator of SEAS. Many thanks to all the candidates, and congratulations to the winners; we promise to keep you on your toes with many a policy-related grievance.

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ESC election results are out, and the new senior class president is Heather Lee, who won (uncontested) with a whopping 191 votes. Lee will be joined by Joffre Andrade as VP and Stanley Chen and Varun Gulati as Class Representatives.  The 2011 Class President will be Kamal Yechoor, with candidates from his party, Synergy, filling […]

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SGA Election Results

The SGA has released their election results, and Barnard’s new student council president is Katie Palillo, who won with 73% of the vote. She’ll be joined by Kimberly Wu (VP Student Government, Amy Chen (VP Student Activities), Giselle Leon (VP Communications), and Sharmin Ahmed (VP Finance) 41.5% of Barnard students voted, despite the senior and […]

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With the first polls a little under a half-hour away from closing, we know that your election anxiety is mounting. Therefore, to ease your anticipation a bit, Bwog proudly brings you a roundup of its favorite election day liveblogs to keep you ahead of the game tonight as the first polls close up shop for […]

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