Staff Writer Jeff Davis has collected some of the more unusual and eccentric sign-offs from professors in order to add a little extra oomph to your next email.
If you send me another [ACTION REQUIRED] email when the email does not require any action, you’re going to catch these hands.
The Activities Fair is a magical time. The sound of taiko drums and the rush of enthusiastic students combine in the air to form some kind of drug that possess students to sign up for both Bible study and Torah study. Whether or not you wanted to, you may have been swindled into signing up […]
Around 11:15AM, Columbia University President Lee Bollinger issued a statement on the recent terror attacks seen in Paris, as well as those in Turkey, Lebanon, and Russia, in an email titled “Statement Regarding Recent Global Events.” The email comes more than two days after at least 128 people were killed in city-wide terrorist attacks on the capital of […]
Check your links before you hit send! An anonymous tipster shared this email pictured below, which was sent to Barnard’s first-year leadership program. Instead of a link to the TEDx attendee application, the email links to the Braun Silk-épil Xpressive Easy Start Body & Face Rechargeable Epilator.
Between Snowden, Greenwald, and the NSA, encryption is in the news. But what is it? And how can you, a mild-mannered student at an American university, use it? And why should you? You’ve got nothing to hide, after all. In this latest SocketHop, Conor Skelding (no tech genius himself) tries to lay that out. Something […]
The froshpeople seem to have gotten the hang of things already, but you old fogies who still use CubMail directly are in for a rude awakening. Over the last few weeks, CUIT has been shuffling your shit in preparation for the move to Columbia’s new Google-powered platform, LionMail, on July 31st. That’s tomorrow. To avoid adding one […]
In an e-mail sent out earlier this afternoon, CUIT’s LionMail team informs you that they have their grubby hands on your data and they’re doing some fancy new-fangled shuffling—but don’t worry, they’ll be gentle: Dear Undergraduate Student, We hope you are excited about your upcoming move to LionMail @ Columbia. On July 31 you will be start to […]
As we heard in January, Google Apps (“Lionmail”) are slated to replace Cubmail. It’ll be called Lionmail, which is like cubs, but grown up. Everyone will get Lionmail by 2012, but 1000 lucky students will score it in mid-April, as part of the trial “Phase One.” If that interests you, sign up for the lottery that they […]
After you’ve bounced around College Walk amiably signing up for several dozen club listservs, there comes a point when you regret reckless innocence. Now you have 40 extra emails a day that you might have read during NSOP, but now you just don’t have time to care about capoeira or Parliamentary Debate. Department listservs can be […]
Heads up today: apparently a new email scam is going around. No, there is no such thing as a Columbia Webmail Account, but we’ve seen worse scams. Don’t send personal information to strange email addresses! Full email below. From: Mail Administrator Sender: To: (Recipient List Suppressed) ReplyTo: Subject: Columbia University in the City […]
2011 update: Some things have changed. Check out the latest guide! Fresh-people, it’s the first day of school. If you haven’t switched from Cubmail to Gmail yet, something is terribly wrong. Being a Columbia student means dealing with e-mail. Craploads of it. You have an account through the school, but you’d do yourself a favor […]
They’ve sent in their reply letters, chosen their housing, decided on a meal plan. Now, members of the class of 2010 have become true Columbians: they have e-mail addresses. Welcome to CubMail, new minted Lions! Bwog recommends that you immediately set it up a forwarding address to a Gmail account, allowing you to bypass the […]
Ode to Wallach Hall Gaming Lounge
January 29, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
January 28, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 28, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 27, 2025