It’s safe to say that Morningside Heights is the culinary center of America. Hey, JK! Since the Pinnacle Incident made everyone debate the merits of Cracker Barrel, Bwog is here to quell your foodie nerves: there are new options! The Morningside food openings, renovations, and gossip: The vacant storefront formerly known as Empanada Joe’s has […]
– Photo by MEQ And Famiglia is once again without a neighbor. A few days ago, Bwogger Mariela Quintana noticed that Empanada Joe’s had papered over their windows, but had left all of its furniture in place. At first, Bwog was unsure whether the store had departed or was merely remodeling. However, tech-savvy Bwoggers noticed […]
As we all know Columbia loves controversy. We also know that Columbia loves Mexican food. Thankfully Morningside Heights entrepreneurs have recognized this and consequently the neighborhood offers plenty of Mexican eateries. So many in fact that the recent increase in Mexican restaurants has caused quite a controversial and competitive commotion. Where can a student find […]
This morning, Bwog woke up hungry and hankering for something not sweet, but savory. Fortunately, Saturday Brunch will never be Sunday Brunch and Bwog wanted lunch. And so on this dark Saturday, Bwog strode down Broadway past the parfaits and waffles of Community and Le Monde in search of vittles of a more proteinaceous variety. […]
In a bold real estate move, the likes of which fair Morningside hasn’t seen since Pinkberry’s merciless eclipse of Tasti D-Lite, a restaurant called Empanadas Joe’s has opened a few blocks down from Havana Central and just mere stores away from Chipotle, igniting a battle of Latin-influenced Broadway establishments. The empanada retailer will be taking […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025