The CU Students for Sensible Drug Policy invite you to a round-table discussion on the ‘Opium Trade in Afghanistan: Human Rights, Security and Public Health.’ Colonel Louis H. Jordan Jr., NYU’s Jake Sherman and journalist John Duncan will discuss how Afghanistan’s lucrative drug trade jeopardizes social and political stability. Free samples are probably out of […]
Nothing (and we mean nothing) would make us happier than to have YOU in attendance at the second Bwog meeting of the year. So come! 7 pm in the Lerner SGO. Whether you want to write something, want us to write something, want to learn more about Bwog, or just want to spend some quality […]
DevFest, a “week long application development experience” sponsored by the Application Development Initiative, kicks off today in Davis Auditorium at 1:00 pm. According to a tipster, there will be a bounty of snacks including Chinese food and WestSide sandwiches—ample fuel for the 24-hour hackathon which begins today as well. DevFest runs all week, and features workshops […]
Hopefully, all of us politically minded, globally conscious students are aware of the 2012 State of the Union Address tonight. Rather than live-streaming it alone in your room, why not watch with some of the most politically conscious members on campus? The CU Dems, CU College Republicans, CPU, and the Roosevelt Institute invite you to a […]
Don’t make the mistake of being anywhere at 7 pm except the SGO in Lerner, as the pleasure of your company is requested at Bwog 2012’s first meeting! Bring yourself, your ideas, an appetite for snacks, and/or your (un)productive snark. Estranged veterans, fresh newcomers, and complete strangers are all absolutely welcome and encouraged to come. […]
From 8 till 10 pm tonight, CCSC will be hosting a town hall gripe-fest in Lerner’s Satow Room. The Facebook hype page for What’s Wrong, Columbia? asks you to hold your student government accountable for your happiness as a human (or something like that), and we advise that you take advantage of this opportunity to […]
What looks like half of a Famiglia’s pizza has been displayed for distribution on Broadway. Sanitation might be of some concern, but, hell, you’re probably a little bit drunk and it’s free. Limited time only; while supplies last.
Free pastries at the Wien and Shapiro security desks, courtesy CCSC ’13. According to an anonymous tipster, “They’re really good, I am currently eating one.” Image via Ryan Mandelbaum, CC ’13
This afternoon from 4 to 6 pm in the Stephen Donaldson Lounge (in the Furnald basement), CQA is hosting their Ugly Sweater Holiday Party. Conveniently scheduled right after the Lit Hum and CC finals—built-in topics of conversation, mirite?—the sweaterfest includes “hot chocolate, eggnog, cider, milk, cookies, and other snacks.” Inspiration via CQA
It’s finals! You’re hungry. Like, prehistoric hungry. Not sure what that means? Find out at the last Live at Lerner of the semester from 12 to 2 pm in Lerner Piano Lounge. They’ve tricked the place out with—we kid you not—a mashed potato bar. You’ll be able to caveman carbo-load to your heart’s content, without facing […]
Update: A tipster sent in the gingerbread replica of Low Library now pictured at right. We commend the effort and wonder how PrezBo will like his new sugary habitat. The seasonal studybreaks are proliferating! Head over to the 1st floor Broadway Lounge for gingerbread house building. The organizers, Habitat for Humanity, are making bold claims […]
Update, 12:33 pm: The event is well underway. There are indeed milk and cookies, but the atmosphere is less than convivial and certainly not conducive to munching. Fifty first-years huddle around a teacher, who said to the silent, scribbling students, “Okay, now construct a thesis to go along with these points.” Bwog knows how this sounds—but […]
Courtesy of CC ’13 class council. Starting at 3 pm, cupcakes will be distributed to the stressed and tired masses on Lerner Ramps. In related news, alum Julian Geiger ’67CC ’70BUS has just been named President and CEO of Crumbs. food porn via PostPioneer UPDATE (3:17): Bwog sincerely hopes that you are reading this on your iPhone […]
Nab a midday pick-me-up of vitamin C and icing— The Columbia University Photography Society is giving out free cupcakes and clementines now until 3 pm on the Lerner Ramps to promote their new exhibition, titled “12+12.” In an email, they describe the new project: Please join us Thursday, December 8th between 12 and 3pm on the Lerner […]
…they might actually smile! And then probably glare at you for ruining their diets. But we digress. IN ANY CASE, if you’re craving some study break nomz, look no further than the Culinary Society’s last study break of the semester. They’ll be serving up holiday cookies like they’re going out of style, with reinvented classics […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025