Bwog’s A-list correspondent Renée Kraiem tells you what went down at SGA’s final meeting of the semester. Last night’s SGA meeting, the last of 2011, began with a joyful round of Secret Santas and Channukah Harriets. The evening’s first guest complemented the inclusive theme of the evening. She was Pamela Phayme, Barnard’s Director of Diversity […]
According to a tipster, there are “HUNDREDS of FREE MUFFINS in the lobby of Dodge.” Though the blueberry is only “mediocre,” what the muffins lack in flavor the “impressive display” makes up. Update, 2:27 pm: The muffins are all gone. “Literally just crumbs,” we’re told.
If you find bioethics and genetic engineering intriguing, then don’t miss Scientists and Engineers for a Better Society’s discussion and film screening tonight. Starting at 6:30 pm and until 7:45 pm, Director of Special Programs in Bioethics at Columbia University Professor John Loike will give a presentation and facilitate a bioethics scenario game. From 7:45 pm […]
Don’t forget to head outside into the winter chill and listen to Columbia’s many a cappella groups sing and faculty and students speak at the annual Yule Log Ceremony, taking place from 6 to 7 pm on college walk. At 7 pm, the tree lights go up during the Tree Lighting Ceremony. Head back into […]
The crew from the Varsity Show is posted up on College Walk slinging a spread of free nostalgia-inducing treats: Goldfish, Fruit by the Foot, juice boxes, Silly Bands, games, and VShow glasses. They’ll be out until 4 pm. Auditions for the VShow will be held next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday form 8 to 11 pm in Hamilton Hall. […]
If you’re hungry and/or looking for some quality music to listen to, look no further. Today, the final Live at Lerner performance of the semester brings us Lisa Jaeggi and a free lunch at noon in the Lerner Piano Lounge. The event page describes her as “Both distinctive in talent and character, Jaeggi blends folk, pop, and […]
There was once a time when finding free food just meant following your nose. Not so, in this Internet age. We at Bwog make it our mission to post every free food offer that comes our way, and this event is no exception. If you’ve got a craving for unidentified “refreshments,” hop on over to […]
Just because Thanksgiving Break is over and you’ve left the bottomless bounty of free family cooking behind doesn’t mean you can’t be provided with any more sweets gratis. Ambulate to Lerner 555 tonight at 7:30 pm to find red velvet cupcakes and a bunch of free swag (t-shirts, buttons, and stickers, we hear) at the World […]
Bwog was floored by your pumpkin carving prowess, and we’d love to show off your culinary masterpieces. So we’re kind of blatantly ripping off the New York Times Thanksgiving Table feature, and soliciting photos of your feasts to compile in a heartwarming drool-worthy Bwog food porn gallery. Send us pics of artfully carved turkeys, sweet […]
Though your peers’ talk of travel plans and turkey dinners may have you in a homesick slump, there are ways for you to get your fill of Thanksgiving goodness without even going south of 110th Street. In Lerner’s Broadway Room from 6 to 7:30 pm this evening, Bhakti Club and Columbia Students for Animal Protection […]
So why don’t you join us? We know you’re all blowing off class/work this week because of Thanksgiving Break anyway, so spend some of your newfound spare time (specifically that between 9-10 pm) in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel with convivial company, delightful discussion, and the tastiest of treats. We’ll be talking new pitches for […]
Tonight at 6:30 pm, Dr. Beryl Koblin of the New York Blood Center and Mailman School of Public Health will be presiding over a dinner and discussion titled “An HIV Vaccine: How Close Are We?” in the Schiff Room of Earl Hall. The event is presented by the Columbia Student Global AIDS Campaign, and pizza […]
Get a free, self-esteem reinforcing hug on College Walk between 2-4 pm today! Science and Oprah say you should, so there’s really no choice in the matter. The hugs are a part of the Free Hugs Campaign. her majesty via Free Hugs Campaign
Those strolling across College Walk a moment a go saw a glimmer of Winter’s glow. Facilities is testing the lights in preparation for the annual tree lighting ceremony. Daylight hours may be waning, but at least we’re getting prepared to fight the night. Students assembling for the 2 pm OWS march to Union Square are […]
Friends, ’tis the season to be seasonal. After taking in yesterday’s picturesque glories, the CC 2013 class council thought they’d keep up the momentum with an autumnal event of their own. They’ll be stationed outside of Butler at 6 pm this evening with plenty of free apple cider to keep you hydrated during your requisite Butler break. Bask […]
Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025Quiz: Which Butler Archetype Are You?
March 5, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025