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Posts Tagged with "freshman election"

It isn’t a first-year CCSC race without some good ol’ Facebook drama.  This year, The Lion’s Pride presidential candidate, Chris George, has been on the hunt for other parties–namely Starr/Treasure and The Council–who he believes were unfairly campaigning. The source of this unfairness?  They were commenting on their own Facebook posts in the Class of […]

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Oh, Fpeshmen…

Bwogger Hans Hyttinen sent in this campaign poster for the Kapma Karma Party running for CCSC ’13. It’s a shame that LitHum doesn’t require students to read the Iliad in Greek, or this confusion may have been avoided. Silly freshmen, a pi isn’t a rho! Oh, and it turns out this may not be the […]

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The first set of first-year election results is in, and the winners in the SGA 2013 elections are: VP – Rachel Ferrari Secretary – Emily Feinstein Treasurer – Anya Whelan-Smith Those scoring at home will notice that that list does not include a presidential winner. This isn’t a typo (for once), but because, according to […]

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Ah, fall. When the leaves fall and the weather takes a turn for the colder, but not before a select number of first-year college students paper the dorms with posters and broad promises, hoping to sneak enough votes to join student council. So far, CCSC and SGA have released their official candidate lists, and the […]

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About half the College freshman class turned out to vote on Tuesday for this year’s 2012 leadership, and after a short hiccup created by switching over to a new electronic voting system (Miami-Dade here we come?) results are out! The REAL Party – headed up by President Erik Kogut and VP Hannah Wilentz – won […]

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Hooray, the 2012 Class Council election results for ESC and SGA are here. Meet your new teams: ESC: President: Derrick Fu (SuperFu) Vice-President: Jessica Wu (SuperFu) Representative: Eric Harms (SuperFu) Representative: Judy Kim (FuReal) SGA: President: Charlie Dinkin Vice President: Bo Yun Park Treasurer: Astrika Wilhelm You might recall that “Stephan” did endorse SuperFu.  And […]

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The list of all the 12s running for 2012 CCSC class council has been announced this morning, as campaigning began about an hour ago. Come, let’s meet them, in alphabetical order! And then stick around later, and we’ll check out the groups’ Facebook offerings. The Candor Party Rolando Rodriguez, President Jasmine Senior, Vice President Alana […]

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Bwog’s Fu Foundation Bureau Chief Sean Zimmermann actually sat through the Night of 1,000 Speeches, or ESC’s 2012 candidate forum. His report, and some admittedly sub-par cameraphone pictures, follow.   Gimmicks and costumes dominated the Engineering Student Council forum today, as each of the first year candidates concluded their campaigns with formal speeches. This year’s […]

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Oh my, how time flies. Our 12s have only been on campus for about three weeks, and it’s already time for them to decide amongst themselves which of their kind should ascend to the glory of CCSC Class Council. Campaigning doesn’t start until September 22nd — so don’t jump the gun 12s, you will be […]

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