Only one more day to claim your valentines, Columbia! That’s right. It’s February 13th. And if you’re still desperate for a date tomorrow night, you’ve come to the ideal one stop shop. These two fellas are funny, kind, and oh so sexy. Hit us up at and we can set you up. Name, Year, […]
Low Library was, as the youth say, “lit” last evening, as Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, spoke to members of the Columbia community. Staff writer Megan Fillion was there to soak in Hasina’s words, and comment wittily on PrezBo’s fumbling introductions. “I am going to speak to you about a topic that is […]
Yesterday afternoon and what turned into evening the Barnard Class of 2013 made it across the stage at Radio City Music Hall, and pranced out into the pouring rain with pride. This year’s ceremony was no last year, if for no other reason than that graduates assembled after 5:30 in the morning. Resilient in the […]
While Bwog was imbibing in the Caribbean on the couch with our dog watching the Girls finale, Barnard bears were actually doing something in the form of a delegation sent to São Paulo, Brazil for its fifth annual Global Symposium, “Women Changing Brazil.” According to the full press release the Symposium, held last year in […]
On Wednesday, Eric Klinenberg, author of Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone, came to speak about his new book and the trend of single living sweeping America. Future Cat Lady, Claire Friedman, was in attendance. Going to a lecture about a book entitled Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising […]
Ah parents! They never neglect a chance to ask the important questions: Father visiting son: So do you ever hang out with…uh…girls or anything? So that’s what they’re calling it these days! Coed mingling via Wikimedia Commons
Nothing helps a body unwind from a tiresome first week back at school like sex! Well, this isn’t sex, but it’s the second best thing: allow us to present the third installment in our new and improved BwogSex feature. The following contemplations by Kia Walton were written in response to a question left in our […]
Bwog followed the Class of 2012 to one of NSOP’s headline events, After Hours at the Met. From the overly large museum, freshman correspondent Will Leonard reports. Before they could arrive at the hallowed destination, 2012ers had to deal with the double danger of novice New Yorkers: Metrocard machines, and getting across Manhattan on the […]
What would some good security guard gossip be without some good maintenance staff gossip? From Bwogger Chris Szabla… Girl on cell phone:“What should I say to her? What should I do? Did I do the right thing?” CU maintenance guy walking slightly behind her and muttering to himself: “What the hell? Fucking questions, questions, questions, […]
Guy: I think I’m going to write my essay on the prompt that doesn’t have to do with imperialism. I feel like that’s all people talk about at Columbia. Girl: Yeah, that and girls. Guy: They’re kinda the same thing. Thanks tipster Anna Corke!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025